Tag Archives: JS

Must-Watch JavaScript

This is a collection of well-received talks about JavaScript, covering topics such as ES6, JavaScript frameworks, client-side apps, mobile integration, JavaScript performance, tooling, leveling up, and more.

Like CSS? Check out Must-Watch CSS! For other great lists check out @sindresorhus‘s curated list of awesome lists.


  1. In the Loop: Jake Archibald, JSConf.Asia 35:11
  2. 10 Things I Regret About Node.js: Ryan Dahl, JSConf.EU 26:41
  3. Deep Learning in JS: Ashi Krishnan, JSConf.EU 31:30


  1. Immutable Data Structures for Functional JS: Anjana Vakil, JSConf.EU 26:32
  2. JavaScript Engines – How Do They Even?: Franziska Hinkelmann, JSConf.EU 25:13
  3. Async + Await: Wes Bos, dotJS 15:51
  4. Advanced Async and Concurrency Patterns in JavaScript: Kyle Simpson, js.la Meetup 39:42
  5. The Browser Hackers Guide to Instantly Loading Everything: Addy Osmani, JSConf.EU 28:09


  1. The Rise of Async JavaScript: Jeremy Fairbank, FluentConf 28:58
  2. Reasonable JavaScript: Preethi Kasireddy, Nodevember 50:12
  3. Learning Functional Programming with JavaScript: Anjana Vakil, JSUnconf 29:56
  4. Choosing a JavaScript Framework: Rob Eisenberg, NDC Oslo 1:01:13
  5. The Myth of The “Real JavaScript Developer”: Brenna O’Brien, Front-Trends 27:05
  6. An Angular 2 Force Awakens: John Papa, ng-conf 20:39
  7. React.js for TV UIs: Steve McGuire, Netflix JavaScript Talks 35:02
  8. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to All Things Memory in JavaScript: Safia Abdalla, JSConf Budapest 26:16
  9. SVG and GreenSock for Complex Animation: Sarah Drasner, ForwardJS Summit 40:16


  1. JavaScript in 2015: Glen Maddern, (screencast) 10:32
  2. Angular + React = Speed: Dave Smith, ng-conf 19:26
  3. Parallelism Experiments in JavaScript: Naveed Ihsanullah, JSConf.US 32:39
  4. Eliminate JavaScript Code Smells: Elijah Manor, FluentConf 29:15
  5. Pocket-Sized JS: Henrik Joreteg, dotJS 18:44
  6. What the… JavaScript?: Kyle Simpson, ForwardJS 38:16
  7. Real World jQuery: Ben Foxall, jQuery UK 26:45
  8. JavaScript State of the Union: Geoff Schmidt, Meteor Devshop SF 48:47
  9. Dirty Performance Secrets of HTML5: Andreas Gal, FluentConf 14:15
  10. You Should Use <Insert Library/Framework>, It’s the Bestestest!: Paul Lewis, ffconf 33:31
  11. Async Programming in ES7: Jafar Husain, JSConf.US 35:56
  12. Live React: Hot Reloading with Time Travel: Dan Abramov, ReactEurope 30:40
  13. JavaScript Transformation: Sebastian McKenzie, JSConf.US 20:23
  14. Node.js at Netflix: Kim Trott, Node.js Interactive 25:17
  15. If You Wish to Learn ES6/2015 From Scratch, You Must First Invent the Universe: Ashley Williams, JSConf.US 25:48


  1. Enemy of the State: Amy Palamountain,Forward JS 32:40
  2. Mary Live-Codes a JavaScript Game from Scratch: Mary Rose Cook, Front-Trends 32:16
  3. Unorthodox Performance: John-David Dalton, ForwardJS 43:39
  4. What the Heck Is the Event Loop Anyway?: Philip Roberts, JSConf.EU 26:53
  5. Building Isomorphic Apps: Spike Brehm, JSConf.Asia 45:01
  6. JavaScript for Everybody: Marcy Sutton, JSConf.EU 28:59
  7. JavaScript ♥ Unicode: Mathias Bynens, JSConf.EU 25:41
  8. Using AngularJS to Create iPhone & Android Applications with PhoneGap: Daniel Zen, ng-conf 21:34
  9. Virtual Machines, JavaScript and Assembler: Scott Hanselman, FluentConf 25:56
  10. User Interface Algorithms: Mark DiMarco, JSConf.US 27:41
  11. End to End Angular Testing with Protractor: Julie Ralph, ng-conf 18:46
  12. Async JavaScript at Netflix: Jafar Husain, Netflix JavaScript Talks 28:38
  13. Building Realtime Apps with Firebase and Angular: Anant Narayanan, ng-conf 21:08


  1. A JavaScript Web App Deconstructed: Alex MacCaw, JSConf.Asia 36:24
  2. JavaScript in Your Native Mobile Apps: Allen Pike, JSConf.EU 25:47
  3. JavaScript Masterclass: Angelina Fabbro, JSConf.US 22:33
  4. A Comparison of the Two-Way Binding in AngularJS, EmberJS and KnockoutJS: Marius Gundersen, JSConf.EU 19:16
  5. Hacker Way: Rethinking Web App Development at Facebook: Tom Occhino, Jing Chen, and Pete Hunt, F8 44:35
  6. Promises and Generators: Control Flow Utopia: Forbes Lindesay, JSConf.EU 31:26
  7. How to Rewrite Your JS App (at Least) 10 Times: Garann Means, Fronteers 47:45
  8. Front-End Development in Node.js: Raquel Vélez, jQuery Conference Portland 34:01
  9. Front-End Tools for the Young Developer: Christian Vuerings, SF HTML5 User Group 14:16
  10. Rethinking Best Practices: Pete Hunt, JSConf.Asia 40:57
  11. Righteous Javascript, Dude!: Zach Bruggerman, Cascadia JS 18:15
  12. Transitioning Groupon to NodeJS: Sean McCullough, EmpireJS 28:23
  13. Building Modular Web Applications: How To Build a Good Component: Angelina Fabbro, jQuery Conference Portland 35:02
  14. Making JS More Learnable: Pamela Fox, dotJS 28:46
  15. The Web Experience in the Autistic Spectrum: Natalia Berdys, JSConf.EU 30:37
  16. Return of Inspector Web: Web Components a Year Later: Angelina Fabbro, Fronteers 49:44
  17. Develop High Performance Sites and Apps with JavaScript and HTML5: Dr. Doris Chen, HTML5DevConf Meetup 1:01:39
  18. Building Reflow: Kristofer Joseph, BackboneConf 45:41
  19. Levelling Up in AngularJS: Alicia Liu, HTML5DevConf 40:31


  1. A Novel, Efficient Approach to JavaScript Loading: Malte Ubl and John Hjelmstad, JSConf.EU 26:36
  2. To Hell with jQuery: Karolina Szczur, JSConf.EU 20:00
  3. Is Node.js Better?: Brian Ford, JSConf.US 41:42
  4. Inspector Web and the Mystery of the Shadow DOM: Angelina Fabbro, JSConfEU 28:42
  5. Maintainable JavaScript: Nicholas Zakas, FluentConf 47:04
  6. Client Side Internationalization: Alex Sexton, JSConf.EU 24:08



函数式编程蔚然成风,越来越多的开源项目、技术交流在使用函数式编程的术语降低开发或沟通成本,这无形中对不了解函数式编程的开发者造成了一定的学习门槛,翻译本文的初衷就是要普及函数式编程的基本知识,从新的角度扩展编程思维。至于为什么要使用 JavaScript 演示函数式编程,一方面是因为 JavaScript 的特性在很多方面与函数式编程浑然天成,另一方面是因为 JavaScript 是世界上最 XX 的语言……


指函数的参数数量,由 -ary 和 -ity 这两个英文后缀拼接而成:

const sum = (a, b) => a + b;const arity = sum.length;console.log(arity); // => 2

Higher-Order Functions


const filter = (pred, xs) => {   const result = [];   for (let idx = 0; idx < xs.length; idx++) {       if (pred(xs[idx])) {            result.push(xs[idx]);        }    }   return result;};const is = (type) => (x) => Object(x) instanceof type;filter(is(Number), [0, ‘1’, 2, null]); // => [0, 2]

Partial Application


// 下面是一个创建偏函数的辅助函数const partial = (f, …args) => (…moreArgs) => f(…args, …moreArgs);const add3 = (a, b, c) => a + b + c;// 预填充 (add3, 2, 3) 三个参数,空置最后一个参数,返回一个新的函数const fivePlus = partial(add3, 2, 3); // (c) => 2 + 3 + cfivePlus(4); // => 9

JavaScript 中的 Function.prototype.bind() 函数是创建偏函数的最简单方式:

const add1More = add3.bind(null, 2, 3); // => (c) => 2 + 3 + c



const sum = (a, b) => a + b;sum(2, 3)// => 6const curriedSum = (a) => (b) => a + b;curriedSum(40)(2) // => 42.const add2 = curriedSum(2); // (b) => 2 + badd2(10) // => 12

Function Composition


const compose = (f, g) => (a) => f(g(a))const floorAndToString = compose((val) => val.toString(), Math.floor)floorAndToString(121.212121) // => “121”


一个纯函数需要满足两个条件,第一是函数的返回值只能由输入值(函数接收的参数)决定,也就是说纯函数接收相同的参数会返回相同的值;第二是纯函数不会对自身作用域之外的运行环境产生副作用(side effects),比如说不会改变外部环境中变量的值,这会被认为是不安全的行为:

let greeting;const greet = () => greeting = “Hi, ” + window.name;// greet() 执行时更改了外部环境的变量greet(); // => “Hi, Brianne”


const greet = (name) => “Hi, ” + name ;greet(“Brianne”) // => “Hi, Brianne”

Side effects

如果函数或表达式与其自身作用域之外的可变数据(mutable data)发生了读写操作,那么此时函数和表达式就产生了副作用:

let greeting;const greet = () => greeting = “Hi, ” + window.name;// greet() 执行时更改了外部环境的变量greet(); // => “Hi, Brianne”// new Date() 是可变数据const differentEveryTime = new Date();// 这里表示系统接收到的输入值是不确定的,是一种可变数据console.log(“IO is a side effect!”);





Point-Free Style

point-free style 是一种不显式向函数传递参数的代码风格,通常需要柯里化和高阶函数来实现:

const map = (fn) => (list) => list.map(fn);const add = (a) => (b) => a + b;// Not points-free// numbers 是一个显式传递的参数const incrementAll = (numbers) => map(add(1))(numbers);// Points-free// add(1) 的返回值隐式传递给了 map,作为 map 的 list 参数const incrementAll2 = map(add(1));

point-free style 的函数看起来就像是一个赋值表达式,没有使用我们常见的 function 或 => 等来声明其接收的参数。



const predicate = (a) => a > 2;[1, 2, 3, 4].filter(predicate); // => [3, 4]



Guarded Functions



categories 内部都绑定了具体的函数用于约束或执行特定的逻辑,比如 Monoid。


任何可以赋值给变量的值都可以称为 value:

5Object.freeze({name: ‘John’, age: 30}) // The `freeze` function enforces immutability.(a) => a[1]undefined



const five = 5const john = { name: ‘John’, age: 30 }// 因为常量不可变,所以下面表达式一定为 truejohn.age + five === ({ name: ‘John’, age: 30 }).age + (5)

常量具有 referentially transparent 的特性,也就是说将程序中出现的常量替换为它们实际的值,并不会影响程序的结果。译者话外:实际上在 JavaScript 中的 const 所声明的常量并不是完全稳定的,使用 Immutable.js 演示更加恰当:

const five = fromJS(5);const john = fromJS({name: ‘John’, age: 30})john.get(‘age’) + five === ({ name: ‘John’, age: 30 }).age + (5)

f(g()) === g


functor 都拥有 map 函数,并且在执行 map 之后会返回一个新的 functor:

object.map(x => x) === objectobject.map(x => f(g(x))) === object.map(g).map(f)

JavaScript 中最常见的 functor 就是数组类型的实例:

[1, 2, 3].map(x => x); // => [1, 2, 3]const f = x => x + 1;const g = x => x * 2;[1, 2, 3].map(x => f(g(x))); // => [3, 5, 7][1, 2, 3].map(g).map(f);     // => [3, 5, 7]

Pointed Functor

pointed functor 都拥有 of 函数,用于接收和构建 functor。ES2015 提供了 Array.of 函数,所以数组实例就可以看成是 pointed functor:

Array.of(1) // => [1]


lift 发生在你将值放入 functor 的时候,如果你将函数 lift 进了 Applicative Functor,那么就可以使用这个函数处理传递给这个 functor 的值。某些 lift 的实现拥有 lift 或 liftA2 函数,便于在 functor 上执行相关的函数:

const mult = (a, b) => a * b;const liftedMult = lift(mult); // => this function now works on functors like arrayliftedMult([1, 2], [3]); // => [3, 6]lift((a, b) => a + b)([1, 2], [3, 4]); // => [4, 5, 5, 6]

lift 一个单参数的函数非常类似于 map 操作:

const increment = (x) => x + 1;lift(increment)([2]); // => [3][2].map(increment); // => [3]

Referential Transparency

如果一个表达式可以被替换为实际的值而不影响程序的运行结果,那么我们就说这个表达式是 referentially transparent:

const greet = () => “Hello World!”;

以上面代码为例,任何调用 greet() 的地方都可以替换为 “Hello World!” 而不影响程序的执行结果。

Equational Reasoning

如果一个应用由多个表达式组合而成,且每个表达式都没有 side effect,那么这个应用就可以由部分推导出整体。


匿名函数,本质上是一个 value:

function(a){   return a + 1;};(a) => a + 1;// Lambda 常用语高阶函数中[1, 2].map((a) => a + 1); // = [2, 3]// Lambda 作为 value 被赋值给变量let addOne = (a) => a + 1;

Lambda Calculus

数学的分支之一,使用函数创建通用的计算模型(universal model of computation)。

Lazy evaluation


const rand = function*() {   while (true) {       yield Math.random();    }}const randIter = rand();randIter.next().value; // 每次执行 next() 函数都会返回一个新的随机数// 有且只有在执行 next() 的时候才会返回新值


Monoid,通过一个函数“合并”两个同类型数据后返回相同的数据类型。最简单的 monoid 就是两数相加:

1 + 1; // => 2

这里的 + 就是上面所说的“合并”函数。Monoid 中存在恒等式的概念:

1 + 0// => 1// 这里的 0 就是恒等式// Monoid 还必须满足结合律1 + (2 + 3) === (1 + 2) + 3; // => true// 数组的 concat() 操作可以构造一个 monoid[1, 2].concat([3, 4]); // => [1, 2, 3, 4]// 空数组可以视为是恒等式[1, 2].concat([]); // => [1, 2]

如果知道了一个函数的的恒等式和“合并”函数 compose,函数本身就是一个 monoid:

const identity = (a) => a;const compose = (f, g) => (x) => f(g(x));compose(foo, identity) ≍ compose(identity, foo) ≍ foo


Monad,是一个拥有 of 和 chain 函数的数据类型,chain 类似于 map,但它会输出非嵌套形式的结果:

[‘cat,dog’, ‘fish,bird’].chain((a) => a.split(‘,’)) // => [‘cat’, ‘dog’, ‘fish’, ‘bird’][‘cat,dog’, ‘fish,bird’].map((a) => a.split(‘,’)) // => [[‘cat’, ‘dog’], [‘fish’, ‘bird’]]

在其他函数式编程语言中,of 也被称为 return,chain 也被称为 flatmap 和 bind。


Comonad,拥有 extract 和 extend 函数的数据类型:

const CoIdentity = (v) => ({   val: v,    extract() { return this.val },    extend(f) { return CoIdentity(f(this)) }})// extract() 可以从 functor 中取值CoIdentity(1).extract() // => 1// extend() 可以返回新的 comonadCoIdentity(1).extend(co => co.extract() + 1) // => CoIdentity(2)

Applicative Functor

Applicative Functor,是拥有 ap 函数的数据类型,ap 函数可以将 functor 中的值转化为其他 functor 中的同类型值:

[(a) => a + 1].ap([1]) // => [2]

这一特性对于多个 applicative functor 需要接收多个参数时,就显得很有用:

const arg1 = [1, 2];const arg2 = [3, 4];const add = (x) => (y) => x + y;const partiallyAppliedAdds = [add].ap(arg1); // => [(y) => 1 + y, (y) => 2 + y]partiallyAppliedAdds.ap(arg2); // => [4, 5, 5, 6]




同构转换,相同数据下不同结构之间的转换。举例来说,2D 坐标既可以存储为数组 [2, 3] 也可以存储为 { x: 2, y: 3 }:

const pairToCoords = (pair) => ({x: pair[0], y: pair[1]})const coordsToPair = (coords) => [coords.x, coords.y]coordsToPair(pairToCoords([1, 2])) // => [1, 2]pairToCoords(coordsToPair({x: 1, y: 2})) // => { x: 1, y: 2 }


Setoid,拥有 equals 函数的数据类型,可用于与其他同类型的数据进行比较。为 Array 类型添加 equals 函数使其成为 Setoid:

Array.prototype.equals = (arr) => {   const len = this.length   if (len !== arr.length) {       return false    }   for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {       if (this[i] !== arr[i]) {           return false        }    }   return true}[1, 2].equals([1, 2]) // => true[1, 2].equals([0]) // => false


Semigroup,拥有 concat 函数的数据类型,可以与同类型数据进行合并:

[1].concat([2]) // => [1, 2]


Foldable,拥有 reduce 函数的数据类型,可以将 Foldable 的实例转换为其他数据类型:

const sum = (list) => list.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0);sum([1, 2, 3]) // => 6



Type Signatures

类型签名,在 JavaScript 中通常会在注释中写明当前函数的参数类型和返回值类型,虽然各种语言的类型签名不同,但通常与以下示例相似:

// functionName :: firstArgType -> secondArgType -> returnType// add :: Number -> Number -> Numberconst add = (x) => (y) => x + y// increment :: Number -> Numberconst increment = (x) => x + 1


// call :: (a -> b) -> a -> bconst call = (f) => (x) => f(x)

上面示例中的 a、b 表示参数可以是任何数据类型的,但在下面的代码中,map 的类型签名表示: f 是一个函数,f 接收一个 a 类型的参数,返回一个 b 类型的值,同时 map 是一个柯里化的函数,其第二个接收一个列表形式的 a 类型参数,并返回列表形式的 b 类型参数:

// map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]const map = (f) => (list) => list.map(f)

Union type

联合类型,表示将多个类型信息放入一个类型变量中。JavaScript 中没有类型机制,所以让我们假设有一个类型变量 NumOrString,它表示 Number 或者 String 类型。+ 运算符在 JavaScript 中既可用于 Number,也可用于 String,所以我们使用 NumOrString 定义 + 的输入输出类型信息:

// add :: (NumOrString, NumOrString) -> NumOrStringconst add = (a, b) => a + b;add(1, 2); // => Number 3add(‘Foo’, 2); // => String “Foo2″add(‘Foo’, ‘Bar’); // => String “FooBar”

Product type

product type 同样包含多种基本类型:

// point :: (Number, Number) -> {x: Number, y: Number}const point = (x, y) => ({x: x, y: y});


Option,是 union type 的特例,它只包含两种类型 Some 和 None。Option 常用于表示那些不确定是否返回值的函数:

// Naive definitionconst Some = (v) => ({   val: v,    map(f) {       return Some(f(this.val));    },    chain(f) {       return f(this.val);    }});const None = () => ({    map(f){       return this;    },    chain(f){       return this;    }});// maybeProp :: (String, {a}) -> Option aconst maybeProp = (key, obj) => typeof obj[key] === ‘undefined’ ? None() : Some(obj[key]);

使用 chain 函数执行链式调用可以返回具体的 Option:

// getItem :: Cart -> Option CartItemconst getItem = (cart) => maybeProp(‘item’, cart);// getPrice :: Item -> Option Numberconst getPrice = (item) => maybeProp(‘price’, item);// getNestedPrice :: cart -> Option aconst getNestedPrice = (cart) => getItem(obj).chain(getPrice);getNestedPrice({}); // => None()getNestedPrice({item: {foo: 1}}); // => None()getNestedPrice({item: {price: 9.99}}); // => Some(9.99)

某些语言中使用 Maybe 表示 Option,使用 Just 表示 Some,使用 Nothing 表示 Node。


jQuery – .bind(), .live(), .delegate(), .on() ( and also .unbind(), .die(), .undelegate(), .off() )

jQuery - .bind(), .live(), .delegate(), .on(), .off(), .undelegate(), die(), .unbind()

All these functions are used to attach an event handler function to the selected elements or selectors. In this article I will take you through all the four set of functions to get an idea of what it is.

To start with, let me list down all the functions with short description and release details.


Method Short Description Added In Deprecated In Removed In
.bind() Attach a handler to an event for the elements. 1.0
Remove a previously-attached event handler from the elements.
.live() Attach an event handler for all elements which match the current selector, now and in the future. 1.3 1.7 1.9
.die() Remove event handlers previously attached using .live() from the elements. 1.3 1.7 1.9
.delegate() Attach a handler to one or more events for all elements that match the selector, now or in the future, based on a specific set of root elements. 1.4.2
Remove a handler from the event for all elements which match the current selector, based upon a specific set of root elements.
Attach an event handler function for one or more events to the selected elements.
.off() Remove an event handler. 1.7

Which function to use? confused Confused, Which one to use, jQuery .bind(), .live(), .delegate(), .on() - Shemeer let’s go through the below details then you will be in a good position to decide which one to use and when.

.bind() and .unbind()

The .bind() method is used to register an events to existing html elements and .unbind() method is used to remove events, that are registered by .bind() method.



Method Syntax Available from version
.bind() .bind( eventType [, eventData ], handler(eventObject) ) 1.0
.bind( eventType [, eventData ], preventBubble )
.bind( events ) 1.4
Parameter details are given below,

  • eventType:- A string containing one or more DOM event types, such as “click” or “submit,” or custom event names.
  • eventData:- An object containing data that will be passed to the event handler.
  • handler(eventObject):- A function to execute each time the event is triggered.
  • preventBubble:- Setting the third argument to false will attach a function that prevents the default action from occurring and stops the event from bubbling. The default is true.
  • events:- An object containing one or more DOM event types and functions to execute for them.
.unbind() .unbind( [eventType ] [, handler(eventObject) ] ) 1.0
.unbind( eventType, false ) 1.4.3
.unbind( event )
Parameter details are given below,

  • eventType:- A string containing a JavaScript event type, such as click or submit.
  • handler(eventObject): The function that is to be no longer executed.
  • false: Unbinds the corresponding ‘return false’ function that was bound using .bind( eventType, false ).
  • event: A JavaScript event object as passed to an event handler.

Sample : –

Collapse | Copy Code
 $( document ).ready(function() {
  $( "#foo" ).bind( "click", function( event ) {
    alert( "The mouse cursor is at (" +
      event.pageX + ", " + event.pageY +
      ")" );

The above code will cause a click on the element with ID foo to report the page coordinates of the mouse cursor at the time of the click.

Read more from http://api.jquery.com/bind/, http://api.jquery.com/unbind/

.live() and .die()

.live() method is used to add event handler to elements that are currently available in the page or dynamically added to the page whereas .die() is used to remove any handler that has been attached with .live().

Note: .live() and .die() are removed from jQuery version 1.9.

Method Syntax Available from version
.live() .live( events, handler(eventObject) ) 1.3
.live( events, data, handler(eventObject) )
.live( events ) 1.4.3
Parameter details are given below,

  • events:- A string containing a JavaScript event type, such as “click” or “keydown.” As of jQuery 1.4 the string can contain multiple, space-separated event types or custom event names. If events is the only parameter then events will be A plain object of one or more JavaScript event types and functions to execute for them.
  • data:- An object containing data that will be passed to the event handler.
  • handler(eventObject):- A function to execute each time the event is triggered.
.die() .die( eventType [, handler ] ) 1.3
.die() 1.4.1
.die( events )
Parameter details are given below,

  • eventType:- A string containing a JavaScript event type, such as click or keydown.
  • events:- A plain object of one or more event types, such as click or keydown and their corresponding functions that are no longer to be executed.


Collapse | Copy Code
<a class="link">Link Static</a>
<button id="addmore" type="button">Add more</button> 

 $(document).ready(function() {
   $('#addmore').click(function() {
      $('body').append(' <a class="link">Link Dynamic</a>');
        return false; 
   $("a.link").bind('click', function() {
      alert('I am clicked');

As per the above code, when ever we click on the hyper-link (<a>) it will show an alert message.. We can add hyper-links dynamically using the button. but dynamically added links will not have click event attached. To make it work for both static control and dynamic we need to rewrite the code using live() as below,

Collapse | Copy Code
<a class="link">Link Static</a>
<button id="addmore" type="button">Add more</button> 

 $(document).ready(function() {
   $('#addmore').click(function() {
      $('body').append(' <a class="link">Link Dynamic</a>');
        return false; 
   $("a.link").live('click', function() {
      alert('I am clicked');

Now all the static and dynamically created links will have the alert method event attached.

Read more from http://api.jquery.com/live/, http://api.jquery.com/die/

.delegate() and .undelegate()

.delegate() method behaves in a similar fashion to the .live() method, but the major difference is that It attaches the event handler to the context , rather than the document. The .undelegate() method is a way of removing event handlers that have been bound using .delegate().

Method Syntax Available from version
.delegate() .delegate( selector, eventType, handler(eventObject) ) 1.4.2
.delegate( selector, eventType, eventData, handler(eventObject) )
.delegate( selector, events ) 1.4.3
Parameter details are given below,

  • selector:- A selector to filter the elements that trigger the event.
  • eventType:- A string containing one or more space-separated JavaScript event types, such as “click” or “keydown,” or custom event names
  • eventData:- An object containing data that will be passed to the event handler.
  • handler(eventObject):- A function to execute each time the event is triggered.
  • events:- A plain object of one or more event types and functions to execute for them.
.undelegate() .undelegate() 1.4.2
.undelegate( selector, eventType ) 1.4.2
.undelegate( selector, eventType, handler(eventObject) )
.undelegate( selector, events ) 1.4.3
.undelegate( namespace ) 1.6
Parameter details are given below,

  • selector:- A selector which will be used to filter the event results.
  • eventType:- A string containing a JavaScript event type, such as “click” or “keydown”.
  • handler(eventObject):- A function to execute at the time the event is triggered.
  • events:- An object of one or more event types and previously bound functions to unbind from them.
  • namespace:- A string containing a namespace to unbind all events from.

Sample :-

Collapse | Copy Code
$( "table" ).delegate( "td", "click", function() {
  $( this ).toggleClass( "chosen" );

Read more from http://api.jquery.com/delegate/, http://api.jquery.com/undelegate/

.on() and .off()

The .on() method attaches event handlers to the currently selected set of elements in the jQuery object. The .on() method provides all functionality required for attaching event handlers. The .off() method removes event handlers that were attached with .on().

Method Syntax Available from version
.on() .delegate( selector, eventType, handler(eventObject) ) 1.4.2
.delegate( selector, eventType, eventData, handler(eventObject) )
.delegate( selector, events ) 1.4.3
Parameter details are given below,

  • selector:- A selector to filter the elements that trigger the event.
  • eventType:- A string containing one or more space-separated JavaScript event types, such as “click” or “keydown,” or custom event names
  • eventData:- An object containing data that will be passed to the event handler.
  • handler(eventObject):- A function to execute each time the event is triggered.
  • events:- A plain object of one or more event types and functions to execute for them.
.off() .off( events [, selector ] [, handler(eventObject) ] ) 1.7
.off( events [, selector ] ) 1.7
Parameter details are given below,

  • selector:- A selector which should match the one originally passed to .on() when attaching event handlers.
  • events:- An object where the string keys represent one or more space-separated event types and optional namespaces, and the values represent handler functions previously attached for the event(s).


Collapse | Copy Code
  alert("The paragraph was clicked.");

The above code will be attaching the specified event to all (current and future) <p>.

Below code block is taken from jQuery 1.7.1.

You can see that for all the above listed methods the .on() method is being “overloaded” with different signatures, which in turn changes how the event binding is wired-up. The .on() method bring a lot of consistency to the API and hopefully makes things slightly less confusing.

Collapse | Copy Code
bind: function( types, data, fn ) {
    return this.on( types, null, data, fn );
unbind: function( types, fn ) {
    return this.off( types, null, fn );

live: function( types, data, fn ) {
    jQuery( this.context ).on( types, this.selector, data, fn );
    return this;
die: function( types, fn ) {
    jQuery( this.context ).off( types, this.selector || "**", fn );
    return this;

delegate: function( selector, types, data, fn ) {
    return this.on( types, selector, data, fn );
undelegate: function( selector, types, fn ) {
    return arguments.length == 1 ? 
        this.off( selector, "**" ) : 
        this.off( types, selector, fn );

// ... more code ...

Read more from http://api.jquery.com/on/, http://api.jquery.com/off/


The .bind() method registers the type of event and an event handler directly to the DOM element. The .bind() doesn’t work for elements added dynamically that matches the same selector. This method is pretty easy and quick to wire-up event handlers. The shorthand methods like .click(), .hover(), etc make it even easier to wire-up event handlers. There is a performance issue while working with large selection as the method attaches the same event handler to every matched element in the selection.The attachment is done upfront which can have performance issues on page load.

The basic difference between .bind() and .live() is bind will not attach the event handler to those elements which are added/appended after DOM is loaded and there is only one event handler registered instead of the numerous event handlers that could have been registered with the .bind() method. When using .live() events always delegate all the way up to the document. This can affect performance if your DOM tree is deep. Chaining is not properly supported using .live() method. Using event.stopPropagation() is no longer helpful because the event has already delegated all the way up to the document. .live() method is deprecated as of jQuery 1.7 and removed from jQuery 1.9.

The .delegate() method is very powerful, The difference between .live() and .delegate() is, live function can’t be used in chaining. live function needs to be used directly on a selector/element. Also .delegate() works on dynamically added elements to the DOM where the selectors match. Chaining is supported correctly in .delegate().

The .on() method attaches event handlers to the currently selected set of elements in the jQuery object. As of jQuery 1.7, the .on() method provides all functionality required for attaching event handlers. Brings uniformity to the various event binding methods. but as the the way we call .on() method the behaviour also changes.

Note: If you are using jQuery 1.7+ then its advised to use .on() for attaching events to elements or selectors.


All the these jQuery functions are used to attach events to selectors or elements. Some methods performs better in some situations. If you are using jQuery 1.7+ then its advised to use .on() over all the event binding methods.



In this article I have given detailed explanation of jQuery methods that’s used for attaching/removing event handlers. I hope you have enjoyed this article and got some value addition to your knowledge.

from: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/778374/JQUERY-JSON-and-Angular-Interview-questions