Tag Archives: Lambda


哥德尔不完备性定理震撼了20世纪数学界的天空,其数学意义颠覆了希尔伯特的形式化数学的宏伟计划,其哲学意义直到21世纪的今天仍然不断被延伸到各个自然学科,深刻影响着人们的思维。图灵为了解决希尔伯特著名的第十问题而提出有效计算模型,进而作出了可计算理论和现代计算机的奠基性工作,著名的停机问题给出了机械计算模型的能力极限,其深刻的意义和漂亮的证明使它成为可计算理论中的标志性定理之一。丘齐,跟图灵同时代的天才,则从另一个抽象角度提出了lambda算子的思想,与图灵机抽象的倾向于硬件性不同,丘齐的lambda算子理论是从数学的角度进行抽象,不关心运算的机械过程而只关心运算的抽象性质,只用最简洁的几条公理便建立起了与图灵机完全等价的计算模型,其体现出来的数学抽象美开出了函数式编程语言这朵奇葩,LispSchemeHaskell… 这些以抽象性和简洁美为特点的语言至今仍然活跃在计算机科学界,虽然由于其本质上源于lambda算子理论的抽象方式不符合人的思维习惯从而注定无法成为主流的编程语言[2],然而这仍然无法妨碍它们成为编程理论乃至计算机学科的最佳教本。而诞生于函数式编程语言的神奇的Y combinator至今仍然让人们陷入深沉的震撼和反思当中…
然而,这一切的一切,看似不很相关却又有点相关,认真思考其关系却又有点一头雾水的背后,其实隐隐藏着一条线,这条线把它们从本质上串到了一起,而顺着时光的河流逆流而上,我们将会看到,这条线的尽头,不是别人,正是只手拨开被不严密性问题困扰的19世纪数学界阴沉天空的天才数学家康托尔,康托尔创造性地将一一对应和对角线方法运用到无穷集合理论的建立当中,这个被希尔伯特称为“谁也无法将我们从康托尔为我们创造的乐园中驱逐出去”、被罗素称为“19世纪最伟大的智者之一”的人,他在集合论方面的工作终于驱散了不严密性问题带来的阴霾,仿佛一道金色的阳光刺破乌云,19世纪的数学终于看到了真正严格化的曙光,数学终于得以站在了前所未有的坚固的基础之上;集合论至今仍是数学里最基础和最重要的理论之一。而康托尔当初在研究无穷集合时最具天才的方法之一——对角线方法——则带来了极其深远的影响,其纯粹而直指事物本质的思想如洪钟大吕般响彻数学和哲学的每一个角落[3]。随着本文的展开,你将会看到,刚才提到的一切,歌德尔的不完备性定理,图灵的停机问题,lambda算子理论中神奇的Y combinator、乃至著名的罗素悖论、理发师悖论等等,其实都源自这个简洁、纯粹而同时又是最优美的数学方法,反过来说,从康托尔的对角线方法出发,我们可以轻而易举地推导出哥德尔的不完备性定理,而由后者又可以轻易导出停机问题和Y combinator,实际上,我们将会看到,后两者也可以直接由康托尔的对角线方法导出。尤其是Y combinator,这个形式上绕来绕去,本质上捉摸不透,看上去神秘莫测的算子,其实只是一个非常自然而然的推论,如果从哥德尔的不完备性定理出发,它甚至比停机问题还要来得直接简单。总之,你将会看到这些看似深奥的理论是如何由一个至为简单而又至为深刻的数学方法得出的,你将会看到最纯粹的数学美。
图灵的停机问题(The Halting Problem)
了解停机问题的可以直接跳过这一节,到下一节“Y Combinator”,了解后者的再跳到下一节“哥德尔的不完备性定理”
bool God_algo(char* program, char* input)
if(<programhalts on <input>)
return true;
return false;
bool Satan_algo(char* program)
if( God_algo(program, program) ){
   while(1); // loop forever!
   return false; // can never get here!
   return true;
显然,Satan_algo(Satan_algo)这个调用要么能够运行结束返回(停机),要么不能返回(loop forever)。
Satan_algo(Satan_algo)能够停机=> 它不能停机
Satan_algo(Satan_algo)不能停机=> 它能够停机
这个证明相信每个程序员都能够容易的看懂。然而,这个看似不可捉摸的技巧背后其实隐藏着深刻的数学原理(甚至是哲学原理)。在没有认识到这一数学原理之前,至少我当时是对于图灵如何想出这一绝妙证明感到无法理解。但后面,在介绍完了与图灵的停机问题“同构”的Y combinator之后,我们会深入哥德尔的不完备性定理,在理解了哥德尔不完备性定理之后,我们从这一同样绝妙的定理出发,就会突然发现,离停机问题和神奇的Y combinator只是咫尺之遥而已。当然,最后我们会回溯到一切的尽头,康托尔那里,看看停机问题、Y combinator、以及不完备性定理是如何自然而然地由康托尔的对角线方法推导出来的,我们将会看到这些看似神奇的构造性证明的背后,其实是一个简洁优美的数学方法在起作用。
Y Combinator
了解Y combinator的请直接跳过这一节,到下一节哥德尔的不完备性定理
让我们暂且搁下但记住绕人的图灵停机问题,走进函数式编程语言的世界,走进由跟图灵机理论等价的lambda算子发展出来的另一个平行的语言世界。让我们来看一看被人们一代一代吟唱着的神奇的Y Combinator…
关于Y Combinator的文章可谓数不胜数,这个由师从希尔伯特的著名逻辑学家Haskell B.Curry(Haskell语言就是以他命名的,而函数式编程语言里面的Curry手法也是以他命名)“发明”出来的组合算子(Haskell是研究组合逻辑(combinatory logic)的)仿佛有种神奇的魔力,它能够算出给定lambda表达式(函数)的不动点。从而使得递归成为可能。事实上,我们待会就会看到,Y Combinator在神奇的表面之下,其实隐藏着深刻的意义,其背后体现的意义,曾经开出过历史上最灿烂的数学之花,所以MIT的计算机科学系将它做成系徽也就不足为奇了[5]
以下小节——lambda calculus——纯粹是为了没有接触过lambda算子理论的读者准备的,并不属于本文重点讨论的东西,然而要讨论Y combinator就必须先了解一下lambda(当然,以编程语言来了解也行,但是你会看到,丘齐最初提出的lambda算子理论才是最最简洁和漂亮的,学起来也最省事。)所以我单独准备了一个小节来介绍它。如果你已经知道,可以跳过这一小节。不知道的读者也可以跳过这一小节去wikipedia上面看,这里的介绍使用了wikipedia上的方式
lambda calculus
<expr> ::= <identifier>
<expr> ::= lambda <identifier-list>. <expr>
<expr> ::= (<expr> <expr>)
lambda x y. x + y
/ x y. x + y
这是一个匿名的加法函数,它接受两个参数,返回两值相加的结果。当然,这里我们为了方便起见赋予了lambda函数直观的计算意义,而实际上lambda calculus里面一切都只不过是文本替换,有点像C语言的宏。并且这里的“+”我们假设已经是一个具有原子语义的运算符[6],此外,为了方便我们使用了中缀表达(按照lambda calculus系统的语法实际上应该写成“(+ x y)”才对——参考第三条语法)。
((lambda x y. x + y) 2 3)
以上这一行就是把刚才定义的加法函数运用到2和3上(这个调用语法形式跟命令式语言(imperative language)惯用的调用形式有点区别,后者是“f(x, y)”,而这里是“(f x y)”,不过好在顺序没变:) )。为了表达简洁一点,我们可以给(lambda x y. x + y)起一个名字,像这样:
let Add = (lambda x y. x + y)
(Add 2 3)
不过还是为了方便起见,后面调用的时候一般用“Add(2, 3)”,即我们熟悉的形式。
Alpha转换公理:例如,“lambda x y. x + y”转换为“lambda a b. a + b”。换句话说,函数的参数起什么名字没有关系,可以随意替换,只要函数体里面对参数的使用的地方也同时注意相应替换掉就是了。
Beta转换公理:例如,“(lambda x y. x + y) 2 3”转换为“2 + 3”。这个就更简单了,也就是说,当把一个lambda函数用到参数身上时,只需用实际的参数来替换掉其函数体中的相应变量即可。
就这些。是不是感觉有点太简单了?但事实就是如此,lambda算子系统从根本上其实就这些东西,然而你却能够从这几个简单的规则中推演出神奇无比的Y combinator来。我们这就开始!
 if n == 0 return 1
 return n*f(n-1)
lambda n. If_Else n==0 1 n*<self>(n-1)
怎么办?难道就没有办法实现递归了?或者说,丘齐做出的这个lambda算子系统里面根本没法实现递归从而在计算能力上面有重大的缺陷?显然不是。马上你就会看到Y combinator是如何把一个看上去非递归的lambda表达式像变魔术那样变成一个递归版本的。在成功之前我们再失败一次,注意下面的尝试:
let F = lambda n. IF_Else n==0 1 n*F(n-1)
看上去不错,是吗?可惜还是不行。因为let F只是起到一个语法糖的作用,在它所代表的lambda表达式还没有完全定义出来之前你是不可以使用F这个名字的。更何况实际上丘齐当初的lambda算子系统里面也并没有这个语法元素,这只是刚才为了简化代码而引入的语法糖。当然,了解这个let语句还是有意义的,后面还会用到。
lambda n. If_Else n==0 1 n*<self>(n-1)
lambda self n. If_Else n==0 1 n*self(n-1)
let P = lambda self n. If_Else n==0 1 n*self(n-1)
P(P, 3)
可惜这只是个美好的设想,还差一点点。我们分析一下P(P, 3)这个调用。利用前面讲的Beta转换规则,这个函数调用展开其实就是(你可以完全把P当成一个宏来进行展开!):
IF_Else n==0 1 n*P(n-1)
let P = lambda self n. If_Else n==0 1 n*self(self, n-1)
请注意,我们在P的函数体内调用self的时候增加了一个参数。现在当我们调用P(P, 3)的时候,展开就变成了:
IF_Else 3==0 1 3*P(P, 3-1)
P(P, 3-1)是对P合法的递归调用。这次我们真的成功了!
然而,看看我们的P的定义,是不是很丑陋?“n*self(self, n-1)”?什么玩意?为什么要多出一个多余的self?DRY!怎么办呢?我们想起我们一开始定义的那个失败的P,虽然行不通,但最初的努力往往是大脑最先想到的最直观的做法,我们来回顾一下:
let P = lambda self n. If_Else n==0 1 n*self(n-1)
这个P的函数体就非常清晰,没有冗余成分,虽然参数列表里面多出一个self,但我们其实根本不用管它,看函数体就行了,self这个名字已经可以说明一切了对不对?但很可惜这个函数不能用。我们再来回想一下为什么不能用呢?因为当你调用P(P, n)的时候,里面的self(n-1)会展开为P(n-1)而P是需要两个参数的。唉,要是这里的self是一个“真正”的,只需要一个参数的递归阶乘函数,那该多好啊。为什么不呢?干脆我们假设出一个“真正”的递归阶乘函数:
 if(n==0) return 1;
 return n*power(n-1);
P(power, 3)
注意它跟P(P, 3)的不同,P(P, 3)我们传递的是一个有缺陷的P为参数。而P(power, 3)我们则是传递的一个真正的递归函数power。我们试着展开P(power, 3):
IF_Else 3==0 1 3*power(3-1)
回想一下我们是怎么完成这项任务的:我们设想了一个以某种方式构造出来的完美的能够内部自己调用自己的递归阶乘函数power,我们发现把这个power传给P的话,P(power, n)的展开式就是真正的递归计算n阶乘的代码了。
你可能要说:废话!都有了power了我们还要费那事把它传给P来个P(power, n)干嘛?直接power(n)不就得了?! 别急,之所以设想出这个power只是为了引入不动点的概念,而不动点的概念将会带领我们发现Y combinator。
这是什么?这叫函数的部分求值(partial evaluation)。换句话说,第一个参数是给出来了,但第二个参数还悬在那里,等待给出。那么,光给一个参数得到的是什么呢?是“还剩一个参数待给的一个新的函数”。其实也很简单,只要按照Beta转换规则做就是了,把P的函数体里面的self出现处皆替换为power就可以了。我们得到:
IF_Else n==0 1 n*power(n-1)
IF_Else n==0 1 n*power(n-1)
我们已经知道,这是个函数,参数n待定。因此我们不妨给它加上一个“lambda n”的帽子,这样好看一点:
lambda n. IF_Else n==0 1 n*power(n-1)
let power = lambda n. IF_Else n==0 1 n*power(n-1)
P(power) = power
let P = lambda self n. If_Else n==0 1 n*self(n-1) // 注意,不是self(self,n-1)
一般化的描述就是,对任一伪递归F(回想一下伪递归的F如何得到——是我们为了解决lambda函数不能引用自身的问题,于是给理想的f加一个self参数从而得到的),必存在一个理想f(F就是从这个理想f演变而来的),满足F(f) = f。
Y(F) = f
结合上面的F(f) = f,我们得到:
Y(F) = f = F(f) = F(Y(F))
Y(F) = F(Y(F))
性质倒是找出来了,怎么构造出这个Y却又成了难题。一个办法就是使用抽象法,这是从工程学的思想的角度,也就是通过不断迭代、重构,最终找到问题的解。然而对于这里的Y combinator,接近问题解的过程却显得复杂而费力,甚至过程中的有些点上的思维跳跃有点如羚羊挂角无迹可寻。然而,在这整个Y combinator介绍完了之后我们将会介绍著名的哥德尔不完备性定理,然后我们就会发现,通过哥德尔不完备性定理证明中的一个核心构造式,只需一步自然的推导就能得出我们的Y combinator。而且,最美妙的是,还可以再往下归约,把一切都归约到康托尔当初提出的对角线方法,到那时我们就会发现原来同样如羚羊挂角般的哥德尔的证明其实是对角线方法的一个自然推论。数学竟是如此奇妙,我们由简单得无法再简单的lambda calculus系统的两条公理居然能够导出如此复杂如此令人目眩神迷的Y Combinator,而这些复杂性其实也只是荡漾在定理海洋中的涟漪,拨开复杂性的迷雾我们重又发现它们居然寓于极度的简洁之中。这就是数学之美。
让我们先来看一看Y combinator的费力而复杂的工程学构造法,我会尽量让这个过程显得自然而流畅[7]
let P = lambda self n. If_Else n==0 1 n*self(n-1)
power = P(power) // 不动点原理
这就意味着,power作为一个函数(lambda calculus里面一切都是函数),它是自己调用了自己的。那么,我们如何实现这样一个能够自己调用自己的power呢?回顾我们当初成功的一次尝试,要实现递归,我们是通过增加一个间接层来进行的:
let power_gen = lambda self. P(self(self))
不明白的话可以回顾一下前面我们调用P(P, n)的地方。这里power_gen(power_gen)展开后得到的是什么呢?我们根据刚才power_gen的定义展开看一看,原来是:
power_gen(power_gen) => P(power_gen(power_gen))
power => P(power)
let power_gen = lambda self. P(self(self))
铸造Y Combinator
现在我们终于可以铸造我们的Y Combinator了,Y Combinator只要生成一个形如power_gen的lambda函数然后把它应用到自身,就大功告成:
let Y = lambda F.
let f_gen = lambda self. F(self(self))
return f_gen(f_gen)
稍微解释一下,Y是一个lambda函数,它接受一个伪递归F,在内部生成一个f_gen(还记得我们刚才看到的power_gen吧),然后把f_gen应用到它自身(记得power_gen(power_gen)吧),得到的这个f_gen(f_gen)也就是F的不动点了(因为f_gen(f_gen) = F(f_gen(f_gen))),而根据不动点的性质,F的不动点也就是那个对应于F的真正的递归函数!
let Pwr = lambda self n. If_Else n==0 1 n*self(n-1)
Y(Pwr) =>
 let f_gen = lambda self. Pwr(self(self))
 return f_gen(f_gen)
Y(Pwr) => f_gen(f_gen) => Pwr(f_gen(f_gen))
Pwr(f_gen(f_gen)) => If_Else n==0 1 n*f_gen(f_gen) (n-1)
Pwr(f_gen(f_gen)) => If_Else n==0 1 n* Pwr(f_gen(f_gen)) (n-1)
f => If_Else n==0 1 n*f(n-1)
然而,漫长的Y Combinator征途仍然并非本文的最终目的,对于Y combinator的构造和解释,只是给不了解lambda calculus或Y combinator的读者看的。关键是马上你会看到Y combinator可以由哥德尔不完备性定理证明的一个核心构造式一眼瞧出来!
在那个年代,希尔伯特的数学天才就像太阳的光芒一般夺目,在关于数学严格化的大纷争中希尔伯特带领的形式主义派系技压群雄,得到许多当时有名望的数学家的支持。希尔伯特希望借助于形式化的手段,抽掉数学证明中的意义,把数学证明抽象成一堆无意义的符号转换,就连我们人类赖以自豪的逻辑推导,也不过只是一堆堆符号转换而已(想起lambda calculus系统了吧:))。这样一来,一个我们日常所谓的,带有直观意义和解释的数学系统就变成了一个纯粹由无意义符号表达的、公理加上推导规则所构成的形式系统,而数学证明呢,只不过是在这个系统内玩的一个文字游戏。令人惊讶的是,这样一种做法,真的是可行的!数学的意义,似乎竟然真的可以被抽掉!另一方面,一个形式系统具有非常好的性质,平时人们证明一个定理所动用的推导,变成了纯粹机械的符号变换。希尔伯特希望能够证明,在任一个无矛盾的形式系统中所能表达的所有陈述都要么能够证明要么能够证伪。这看起来是个非常直观的结论,因为一个结论要么是真要么是假,而它在它所处的领域/系统中当然应该能够证明或证伪了(只要我们能够揭示出该系统中足够多的真理)。
N(n) is unprovable in T
这个公式由两部分构成,n是这个公式的自由变量,它是一个自然数,一旦给定,那么这个公式就变成一个明确的命题。而N则是从n解码出的货真价实的(即我们常见的符号形式的)公式(记得哥德尔的证明第一部分就是把公式编码吗?)。”is unprovable in T”则是一个谓词,这里我们没有用形式语言而是用自然语言表达出来的,但哥德尔证明了它是可以用形式语言表达出来的,大致思路就是:一个形式系统中的符号数目是有限的,它们构成这个形式系统的符号表。于是,我们可以依次枚举出所有长度为1的串,长度为2的串,长度为3的串… 此外根据形式系统给出的语法规则,我们可以检查每个串是否是良构的公式(well formed formula,简称wff,其实也就是说,是否符合语法规则,前面我们在介绍lambda calculus的时候看到了,一个形式系统是需要语法规则的,比如逻辑语言形式化之后我们就会看到P->Q是一个wff,而->PQ则不是),因而我们就可以枚举出所有的wff来。最关键的是,我们观察到形式系统中的证明也不过就是由一个个的wff构成的序列(想想推导的过程,不就是一个公式接一个公式嘛)。而wff构成的序列本身同样也是由符号表内的符号构成的串。所以我们只需枚举所有的串,对每一个串检查它是否是一个由wff构成的序列(证明),如果是,则记录下这个wff序列(证明)的最后一个wff,也就是它的结论。这样我们便枚举出了所有的可由T推导出的定理。然后为了表达出”X is unprovable in T”,本质上我们只需说“不存在这样一个自然数S,它所解码出来的wff序列以X为终结”!这也就是说,我们表达出了“is unprovable in T”这个谓词。
我们用UnPr(X)来表达“X is unprovable in T”,于是哥德尔的公式变成了:
UnPr( N(n) )
G(n): UnPr( N(n) )
G(g): UnPr( G(g) )
哥德尔的不完备性定理被称为20世纪数学最重大的发现(不知道有没有“之一”:) )现在我们知道为真但无法在系统内证明的命题不仅仅是这个诡异的“哥德尔命题”,还有很多真正有意义的明确命题,其中最著名的就是连续统假设,此外哥德巴赫猜想也有可能是个没法在数论系统中证明的真命题。
从哥德尔公式到Y Combinator
哥德尔的不完备性定理证明了数学是一个未完结的学科,永远有需要我们以人的头脑从系统之外去用我们独有的直觉发现的东西。罗杰·彭罗斯在《The Emperor’s New Mind》中用它来证明人工智能的不可实现。当然,这个结论是很受质疑的。但哥德尔的不完备性定理的确还有很多很多的有趣推论,数学的和哲学上的。哥德尔的不完备性定理最深刻的地方就是它揭示了自指(或称自引用,递归调用自身等等)结构的普遍存在性,我们再来看一看哥德尔命题的绝妙构造:
G(n): UnPr( N(n) )
G(n): P( N(n) )
G(g): P( G(g) )
是不是很熟悉这个结构?我们的Y Combinator的构造不就是这样一个形式?我们把G和P都看成一元函数,G(g)可不正是P这个函数的不动点么!于是,我们从哥德尔的证明里面直接看到了Y Combinator
至于如何从哥德尔的证明联系到停机问题,就留给你去解决吧:) 因为更重要的还在后面,我们看到,哥德尔的证明虽然巧妙至极,然而其背后的思维过程仍然飘逸而不可捉摸,至少我当时看到G(n)的时候,“乃大惊”“不知所从出”,他怎么想到的?难道是某一个瞬间“灵光一现”?一般我是不信这一说的,已经有越来越多的科学研究表明一瞬间的“灵感”往往是潜意识乃至表层意识长期思考的结果。哥德尔天才的证明也不例外,我们马上就会看到,在这个神秘的构造背后,其实隐藏着某种更深的东西,这就是康托尔在19世纪80年代研究无穷集合和超限数时引入的对角线方法。这个方法仿佛有种神奇的力量,能够揭示出某种自指的结构来,而同时,这又是一个极度简单的手法,通过它我们能够得到数学里面一些非常奇妙的性质。无论是哥德尔的不完备性定理还是再后来丘齐建立的lambda calculus,抑或我们非常熟悉的图灵机理论里的停机问题,其实都只是这个手法简单推演的结果!
1 2 3 4 …
2 4 6 8 …
用函数来描述就是 f(n) = 2n。检验一下是不是一一对应的?不可思议对吗?还有更不可思议的,自然数集是跟有理数集一一对应的!对应函数的构造就留给你解决吧,提示,按如下方式来挨个数所有的有理数:
1/1  1/2  2/1  1/3  2/2  3/1  1/4  2/3 3/2 4/1 …
1  a10.a11a12a13
2  a20.a21a22a23
3  a30.a31a32a33
4 …
5 …
     1    2     3    4   …
M1  N    1    N    N   …
M2  2    0     N    0   …
M3  0    1     2    0    …
M4  N    0     5    N   …
M1,M2,M3 … 是逐一列出的图灵机,并且,注意,由于程序即数据,每个图灵机都有唯一编码,所以我们规定在枚举图灵机的时候Mi其实就代表编码为i的图灵机,当然这里很多图灵机将会是根本没用的玩意,但这不要紧。此外,最上面的一行1 2 3 4 … 是输入数据,如,矩阵的第一行代表M1分别在1,2,3,…上面的输出,不停机的话就是N。
if( H(i, i) == 1 ) then // Mi(i) halts
return 1 + Mi(i)
else // if H(i, i) == 0 (Mi(i) doesn’t halt)
    return 0
也就是说,如果Mi(i)停机,那么P(i)的输出就是Mi(i)+1,如果Mi(i)不停机的话,P(i)就停机且输出0。这就保证了P(i)的输出行为跟Mi(i)反正不一样。现在,我们注意到P本身是一个图灵机,而我们上面已经列出了所有的图灵机,所以必然存在一个k,使得Mk = P。而两个图灵机相等当且仅当它们对于所有的输入都相等,也就是说对于任取的n,有Mk(n) = P(n),现在令n=k,得到Mk(k)=P(k),根据上面给出的P的定义,这实际上就是:
Mk(k) = P(k) =
1+Mk(k) if Mk(k) halts
0       if Mk(k) doesn’t halt
R = {X:X不属于X};
这里我们只关心罗素是如何想出这个绝妙的悖论的。还是对角线方法!我们罗列出所有的集合,S1,S2,S3 …
    S1  S2  S3 …
S1 0   1  1 …
S2 1   1   0 …
S3 0   0   0 …
…    …
右侧纵向列出所有集合,顶行横向列出所有集合。0/1矩阵的(i,j)处的元素表示Si是否包含Sj,记为Si(j)。现在我们只需构造一个新的0/1序列L,它的第i位与矩阵的(i,i)处的值恰恰相反:L(i) = 1-Si(i)。我们看到,这个新的序列其实对应了一个集合,不妨也记为L,L(i)表示L是否包含Si。根据L的定义,如果矩阵的(i,i)处值为0(也就是说,如果Si不包含Si),那么L这个集合就包含Si,否则就不包含。我们注意到这个新的集合L肯定等于某个Sk(因为我们已经列出了所有的集合),L = Sk。既然L与Sk是同一集合,那么它们肯定包含同样的元素,从而对于任意n,有L(n) = Sk(n)。于是通过令n=k,得到L(k) = Sk(k),而根据L的定义,L(k) = 1- Sk(k)。这就有Sk(k) = 1-Sk(k),矛盾。
希尔伯特是在1900年巴黎数学家大会上提出著名的希尔伯特第十问题的,简言之就是是否存在一个算法,能够计算任意丢番图方程是否有整根。要解决这个问题,就得先严格定义“算法”这一概念。为此图灵和丘齐分别提出了图灵机和lambda calculus这两个概念,它们从不同的角度抽象出了“有效(机械)计算”的概念,著名的图灵——丘齐命题就是说所有可以有效计算出来的问题都可以由图灵机计算出来。实际上我们已经看到,丘齐的lambda calculus其实就是数学推理系统的一个形式化。而图灵机则是把这个数学概念物理化了。而也正因为图灵机的概念隐含了实际的物理实现,所以冯·诺依曼才据此提出了奠定现代计算机体系结构的冯·诺依曼体系结构,其遵循的,正是图灵机的概念。而“程序即数据”的理念,这个发端于数学家哥德尔的不完备性定理的证明之中的理念,则早就在黑暗中预示了可编程机器的必然问世。
我们看到了对角线方法是如何简洁而深刻地揭示出自指或递归结构的。我们看到了著名的不完备性定理、停机问题、Y Combinator、罗素悖论等等等等如何通过这一简洁优美的方法推导出来。这一诞生于康托尔的天才的手法如同一条金色的丝线,把位于不同年代的伟大发现串联了起来,并且将一直延续下去…
1. lambda calculus里面的“停机问题”
实际上lambda calculus里面也是有“停机问题”的等价版本的。其描述就是:不存在一个算法能够判定任意两个lambda函数是否等价。所谓等价当然是对于所有的n,有f(n)=g(n)了。这个问题的证明更加能够体现对角线方法的运用。仍然留给你吧。
2. 负喧琐话(http://blog.csdn.net/g9yuayon)是个非常不错的blog:)。g9的文字轻松幽默,而且有很多名人八卦可以养眼,真的灰常…灰常…不错哦。此外g9老兄还是个理论功底非常扎实的牛。所以,anyway,看了他的blog就知道啦!最初这篇文章的动机也正是看了上面的一篇关于Y Combinator的铸造过程的介绍,于是想揭示一些更深的东西,于是便有了本文。
3. 文章起名《康托尔、哥德尔、图灵——永恒的金色对角线》其实是为了纪念看过的一本好书GEB,即《Godel、Escher、Bach-An Eternal Golden Braid》中文译名《哥德尔、埃舍尔、巴赫——集异璧之大成》——商务印书馆出版。对于一本定价50元居然能够在douban上卖到100元的二手旧书,我想无需多说。另,幸福的是,电子版可以找到:)
4. 其实很久前想写的是一篇《从哥德尔到图灵》,但那篇写到1/3不到就搁下了,一是由于事务,二是总觉得少点什么。呵呵,如今把康托尔扯进来,也算是完成当时扔掉的那一篇吧。
5. 这恐怕算是写得最曲折的一篇文章了。不仅自己被这些问题搞得有点晕头转向(还好总算走出来),更因为要把这些东西自然而然的串起来,也颇费周章。很多时候是利用吃饭睡觉前或走路的时间思考本质的问题以及如何表达等等,然后到纸上一气呵成。不过同时也锻炼了不拿纸笔思考数学的能力,呵呵。
6. 关于图灵的停机问题、Y Combinator、哥德尔的不完备性定理以及其它种种与康托尔的对角线之间的本质联系,几乎查不到完整系统的深入介绍,一些书甚至如《The Emperor’s New Mind》也只是介绍了与图灵停机问题之间的联系(已经非常的难得了),google和baidu的结果也是基本没有头绪。很多地方都是一带而过让人干着急。所以看到很多地方介绍这些定理和构造的时候都是弄得人晕头转向的,绝大部分人在面对如Y Combinator、不完备性定理、停机问题的时候都把注意力放在力图理解它是怎么运作的上面了,却使人看不到其本质上从何而来,于是人们便对这些东东大为惊叹。这使我感到很不痛快,如隔靴搔痒般。这也是写这篇文章的主要动机之一。
[1] 《数学——确定性的丧失》
[2] 也有观点认为函数式编程语言之所以没有广泛流行起来是因为一些实际的商业因素。
[3] Douglas R.Hofstadter的著作《Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid》(《哥德尔、艾舍尔、巴赫——集异璧之大成》)就是围绕这一思想写出的一本奇书。非常建议一读。
[4] 《数学——确定性的丧失》
[5] 虽然我觉得那个系徽做得太复杂,要表达这一简洁优美的思想其实还能有更好的方式。
[6] 关于如何在lambda calculus系统里实现“+”操作符以及自然数等等,可参见这里,这里,和这里。
[7] g9的blog(负暄琐话)http://blog.csdn.net/g9yuayon/ 上有一系列介绍lambda calculus的文章(当然,还有其它好文章:)),非常不错,强烈推荐。最近的两篇就是介绍Y combinator的。其中有一篇以javaScript语言描述了迭代式逐步抽象出Y Combinator的过程。
[8] 实际上这只是第一不完备性定理,它还有一个推论,被称为第二不完备性定理,说的是任一个系统T内无法证明这个系统本身的一致性。这个定理的证明核心思想如下:我们前面证明第一不完备性定理的时候用的推断其实就表明 Con/T -> G(g) (自然语言描述就是,由系统T的无矛盾,可以推出G(g)成立),而这个“Con/T -> G(g)”本身又是可以在T内表达且证明出来的(具体怎么表达就不再多说了)——只需要用排中律即可。于是我们立即得到,T里面无法推出Con/T,因为一旦推出Con/T就立即推出G(g)从而推出UnPr(G(g)),这就矛盾了。所以,Con/T无法在T内推出(证明)。

Way to Lambda

Table of Contents


Lambda expressions are a powerful way to make code more dynamic, easier to extend and also faster (see this article if you want to know: why!). They can be also used to reduce potential errors and make use of static typing and intellisense as well as the superior IDE of Visual Studio.

Lambda expressions have been introduced with the .NET-Framework 3.5 and C# 3 and have played an important part together with technologies like LINQ or a lot of the techniques behind ASP.NET MVC. If you think about the implementation of various controls in ASP.NET MVC you’ll find out that most of the magic is actually covered by using lambda expressions. Using one of the Html extension method together with a lambda expression will make use of the model you have actually created in the background.

In this article I’ll try to cover the following things:

  • A brief introduction – what are lambda expressions exactly and why do they differ from anonymous methods (which we had before!)
  • A closer look at the performance of lambda expressions – are there scenarios where we gain or lose performance against standard methods
  • A really close look – how are lambda expressions handled in MSIL code
  • A few patterns from the JavaScript world ported to C#
  • Scenarios where lambda expressions excel – either performance-wise or out of pure comfort
  • Some new patterns that I’ve come up with (maybe someone else did also come up with those – but that has been behind my knowledge)

So if you expect a beginner’s tutorial here I will probably disappoint you, unless you are a really advanced and smart beginner. Needless to say I am not such a guy, which is why I want to warn you: for this article you’ll need some advanced knowledge of C# and should know your way around this language.

What you can expect is an article that tries to explain some things. The article will also investigate some (at least for me) interesting questions. In the end I will present some practical examples and patterns that can be used on some occasions. I’ve found out that lambda expressions can simplify so many scenarios that writing down explicit patterns could be useful.

Background – What are lambda expressions?

In the first version of C# the construct of delegates has been introduced. This concept has been integrated to make passing functions possible. In a sense a delegate is a strongly typed (and managed) function pointer. A delegate can be much more (of course), but in essance that is what you get out. The problem was that passing a function required quite a lot of steps (usually):

  1. Writing the delegate (like a class), which includes specifying the return and argument types.
  2. Using the delegate as the type in the method that should receive some function with the signature that is described by the delegate.
  3. Creating an instance of the delegate with the specific function to be passed by this delegate type.

If this sounds complicated to you – it should be, because essentially it was (well, its not rocket science, but a lot more code than you would expect). Therefore step number 3 is usually not required and the C# compiler does the delegate creation for you. Still step 1 and 2 are mendatory!

Luckily C# 2 came with generics. Now we could write generic classes, methods and more important: generic delegates! However, it took until the .NET-Framework 3.5 until somebody at Microsoft realized that there are actually just 2 generic delegates (with some “overloads”) required to cover 99% of the delegate use-cases:

  • Action without any input arguments (no input and no output) and the generic overloads
  • Action<T1, ..., T16>, which take 1 to 16 types as parameters (no output), as well as
  • Func<T1, ..., T16, Tout>, which take 0 to 16 types as input parameters and 1 output parameter

While Action (and the corresponding generics) does return void (i.e. this is really just an action, which executes something), Func actually returns something which is of the last type that is specified. With those 2 delegates (and their overloads) we can really skip the first step in most times. Step 2 is still required, but just uses Action and Func.

So what if I just want to run some code? This issue has been attacked in C# 2. In this version you could create delegate funtctions, which are anonymous functions. However, the syntax never got popular. A very simple example of such an anonymous method looks like the following:

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Func<double, double> square = delegate (double x) {
	return x * x;

So let’s improve this syntax and extend the possibilities. Welcome to lambda expression country! First of all where does this name come from? The name is actually derived from the lambda calculus in mathematics, which basically just states what is really required to express a function. More precisely it is a formal system in mathematical logic for expressing computation by way of variable binding and substitution. So basically we have between 0 and N input arguments and one return value. In our programming language we can also have no return value (void).

Let’s have a look at some example lambda expressions:

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//The compiler can resolve this, which makes calls like dummyLambda(); possible
var dummyLambda = () => { Console.WriteLine("Hallo World from a Lambda expression!"); };

//Can be used as with double y = square(25);
Func<double, double> square = x => x * x;

//Can be used as with double z = product(9, 5);
Func<double, double, double> product = (x, y) => x * y;

//Can be used as with printProduct(9, 5);
Action<double, double> printProduct = (x, y) => { Console.Writeline(x * y); };

//Can be used as with var sum = dotProduct(new double[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new double[] { 4, 5, 6 });
Func<double[], double[], double> dotProduct = (x, y) => {
	var dim = Math.Min(x.Length, y.Length);
	var sum = 0.0;
	for(var i = 0; i != dim; i++)
		sum += x[i] + y[i];
	return sum;

//Can be used as with var result = matrixVectorProductAsync(...);
Func<double[,], double[], double[]> matrixVectorProductAsync = async (x, y) => {
	var sum = 0.0;
	/* do some stuff ... */
	return sum;

What we learn directly from those statements:

  • If we have only one argument, then we can omit the round brackets ()
  • If we only have one statement and want to return this, then we can omit the curly brackets {} and skip the return keyword
  • We can state that our lambda expressions can be executed asynchronous – just add the async keyword as with usual methods
  • The var statement cannot be used in most cases – only in very special cases

Needless to say we could use var a lot more often (like always) if we would actually specify the parameter types. This is optional and usually not done (because the types can be resolved from the delegate type that we are using in the assignment), but it is possible. Consider the following examples:

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var square = (double x) => x * x;

var stringLengthSquare = (string s) => s.Length * s.Length;

var squareAndOutput = (decimal x, string s) => {
	var sqz = x * x;
	Console.WriteLine("Information by {0}: the square of {1} is {2}.", s, x, sqz);

Now we know most of the basic stuff, but there are a few more things which are really cool about lambda expressions (and make them SO useful in many cases). First of all consider this code snippet:

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var a = 5;
var multiplyWith = x => x * a;
var result1 = multiplyWith(10); //50
a = 10;
var result2 = multiplyWith(10); //100

Ah okay! So you can use other variables in the upper scope. That’s not so special you would say. But I say this is much more special than you might think, because those are real captured variables, which makes our lambda expression a so called closure. Consider the following case:

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void DoSomeStuff()
	var coeff = 10;
	var compute = (int x) => coeff * x;
	var modifier = () => {
		coeff = 5;

	var result1 = DoMoreStuff(compute);

	var result2 = DoMoreStuff(compute);

int DoMoreStuff(Action<int> computer)
	return computer(5);

void ModifyStuff(Action modifier)

What’s happening here? First we are creating a local variable and two lambdas in that scope. The first lambda should show that it is also possible to access local variables in other local scopes. This is actually quite impressive already. This means we are protecting a variable but still can access it within the other method. It does not matter if the other method is defined within this or in another class.

The second lambda should demonstrate that a lambda expression is also able to modify the upper scope variables. This means we can actually modify our local variables from other methods, by just passing a lambda that has been created in the corresponding scope. Therfore I consider closures a really mighty concept that (like parallel programming) could lead to unexpected results (similar, but if we follow our code not as unexpected as race conditions in parallel programing). To show one scenario with unexpected results we could do the following:

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var buttons = new Button[10];

for(var i = 0; i < buttons.Length; i++)
	var button = new Button();
	button.Text = (i + 1) + ". Button - Click for Index!";
	button.OnClick += (s, e) => { Messagebox.Show(i.ToString()); };
	buttons[i] = button;

//What happens if we click ANY button?!

This is a tricky question that I usually ask my students in my JavaScript lecture. About 95% of the students would instantly say “Button 0 shows 0, Button 1 shows 1, …”. But some students already spot the trick and since the whole part of the lecture is about closures and functions it is obvious that there is a trick. The result is: Every button is showing 10!

The local scoped variable called i has changed its value and must have the value of buttons.Length, because obviously we already left the for-loop. There is an easy way around this mess (in this case). Just do the following with the body of the for-loop:

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var button = new Button();
var index = i;
button.Text = (i + 1) + ". Button - Click for Index!";
button.OnClick += (s, e) => { Messagebox.Show(index.ToString()); };
buttons[i] = button;

This solves everything, but this variable index is a value type and therefore makes a copy to the more “global” (upper scoped) variable i.

The last topic of this advanced introduction is the possibility of having so called expression trees. This is only possible with lambda expressions and is responsible for the magic that is happening in ASP.NET MVC with the Html extension methods. The key question is: How can the target method find out

  1. what the name of the variable I am passing in is?
  2. what the structure of the body I am using is?
  3. what kind of types I am using within my body?

Now a Expression actually solves this problem. It allows us to dig our way through the compiler generated expression tree. Additionally we can execute the given function as with the usual Func or Action delegates. It also allows us to interpret the lambda expression later (at runtime).

Let’s have a look at an example about how to use the objects of type Expression:

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Expression<Func<MyModel, int>> expr = model => model.MyProperty;
var member = expr.Body as MemberExpression;
var propertyName = memberExpression.Member.Name; //only execute if member != null  ...

This is the most simple example regarding the usage of such expressions. The principle is quite straight forward: By forming an object of type Expression the compiler generates meta information about the generated parse tree. This parse tree contains all relevant information like parameters (names, types, …) and the method body.

The method body contains the whole parse tree. There we have access to operators, operands as well as complete statements and (most importantly) the return name and type. The name of the return variable could be null as well. However, most of the time one will be interested in expressions like the one above. This is also similar to the way that ASP.NET MVC handles the Expression type – to get the name of the parameter to use. The advantage for the programmer is obviously that he cannot misspell the name of the property, since every misspelling results in a compilation error.

Remark In the scenario where the programmer is just interested in the name of the calling property, there is a much simpler (and more elegant) solution. The special parameter attribute CallerMemberName can be used to get the name of the calling method or property. The field is automatically filled out by the compiler. Therefore if we are just interested in getting to know the name (without more type information etc.), we would just write code like the example method below (which returns the name of the method that just called the WhatsMyName() method).

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string WhatsMyName([CallerMemberName] string callingName = null)
    return callingName;

Performance of lambda expressions

A big question is: How fast are lambda expressions? Well, first we expect them to perform about as fast as regular functions, since they are compiler generated as well. In the next section we will see that the MSIL generated for lambda expressions is not that different to regular functions.

One of the most interesting discussions will be if lambda expressions will closures will perform as fast as methods with global variables. The really interesting region will be if the number of available variables in the local scope will matter.

Let’s have a look at the code used for performing some benchmarks. All in all we are having a look at 4 different benchmarks, which should give us enough evidence to see differences between normal functions and lambda expressions.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace LambdaTests
	class StandardBenchmark : Benchmark
		const int LENGTH = 100000;
        static double[] A;
		static double[] B;

        static void Init()
            var r = new Random();
            A = new double[LENGTH];
            B = new double[LENGTH];

            for (var i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++)
                A[i] = r.NextDouble();
                B[i] = r.NextDouble();

        static long LambdaBenchmark()
            Func<double> Perform = () =>
                var sum = 0.0;

                for (var i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++)
                    sum += A[i] * B[i];

                return sum;
            var iterations = new double[100];
            var timing = new Stopwatch();

            for (var j = 0; j < iterations.Length; j++)
                iterations[j] = Perform();

            Console.WriteLine("Time for Lambda-Benchmark: \t {0}ms", timing.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            return timing.ElapsedMilliseconds;

        static long NormalBenchmark()
            var iterations = new double[100];
            var timing = new Stopwatch();

            for (var j = 0; j < iterations.Length; j++)
                iterations[j] = NormalPerform();

            Console.WriteLine("Time for Normal-Benchmark: \t {0}ms", timing.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            return timing.ElapsedMilliseconds;

        static double NormalPerform()
            var sum = 0.0;

            for (var i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++)
                sum += A[i] * B[i];

            return sum;

We could write this code much better using lambda expressions (which then take the measurement of an arbitrary method that is passed using the callback pattern, as we will find out). The reason for not doing this is to not spoil the final result. So here we are with essentially three methods. One that is called for the lambda test and one that is called for normal test. The third methods is then invoked within the normal test. The missing fourth methods is our lambda expression, which will be created in the first method. The computation does not matter, we just pick random numbers to avoid any compiler optimizations in this area. In the end we are just interested in the difference between normal methods and lambda expressions.

If we run those benchmarks we will see that lambda expressions do usually not perform worse than usual methods. One surprise might be that lambda expressions actually can actually perform slightly better than usual functions. However, this is certainly not true in the case of having closures, i.e. captures variables. This just means that one should not hesitate to use lambda expressions regularly. But we should think carefully about the performance losses we might get when using closures. In such scenarios we will usually lose a little bit of performance, which might still be quite OK. The loss is created for several reasons as we will explore in the next section.

The plain data for our benchmarks is shown in table below:

Test Lambda [ms] Normal [ms]
0 45+-1 46+-1
1 44+-1 46+-2
2 49+-3 45+-2
3 48+-2 45+-2

The plots corresponding to this data are displayed below. We can see that usual functions and lambda expressions are performing within the same limits, i.e. there is no performance loss when using lambda expressions.

Behind the curtain – MSIL

Using the famous tool LINQPad we can have a close look at the MSIL without any burden. A screenshot of investigating the IL by using LINQPad is shown below.

We will have a look at three examples. Let’s start off with the first one. The lambda expression looks like:

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Action<string> DoSomethingLambda = (s) =>
	Console.WriteLine(s);// + local

The corresponding method has the following code:

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void DoSomethingNormal(string s)

Those two codes result in the following two snippets of MSIL code:

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IL_0000:  nop
IL_0001:  ldarg.1
IL_0002:  call        System.Console.WriteLine
IL_0007:  nop
IL_0008:  ret
IL_0000:  nop
IL_0001:  ldarg.0
IL_0002:  call        System.Console.WriteLine
IL_0007:  nop
IL_0008:  ret

The big difference here is the naming and usage of the method, not the declaration. The declaration is actually the same. The compiler creates a new method in the local class and inferes the usage of this method. This is nothing new – it is just a matter of convinience that we can use lambda expressions like this. From the MSIL view we are doing the same in both cases; namely invoking a method within the current object.

We could put this observation into a little diagram to illustrate the modification done by the compiler. In the picture below we see that the compiler actually moves the lambda expression to become a fixed method.

The second example shows the real magic of lambda expressions. In this example we are either using a (normal) method with global variables or a lambda expressions with captured variables. The code reads as follows:

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void Main()
	int local = 5;

	Action<string> DoSomethingLambda = (s) => {
		Console.WriteLine(s + local);

	global = local;

	DoSomethingLambda("Test 1");
	DoSomethingNormal("Test 2");

int global;

void DoSomethingNormal(string s)
	Console.WriteLine(s + global);

Now there is nothing unusual here. The key question is: How are lambda expressions resolved from the compiler?

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IL_0000:  newobj      UserQuery+<>c__DisplayClass1..ctor
IL_0005:  stloc.1
IL_0006:  nop
IL_0007:  ldloc.1
IL_0008:  ldc.i4.5
IL_0009:  stfld       UserQuery+<>c__DisplayClass1.local
IL_000E:  ldloc.1
IL_000F:  ldftn       UserQuery+<>c__DisplayClass1.<Main>b__0
IL_0015:  newobj      System.Action<System.String>..ctor
IL_001A:  stloc.0
IL_001B:  ldarg.0
IL_001C:  ldloc.1
IL_001D:  ldfld       UserQuery+<>c__DisplayClass1.local
IL_0022:  stfld       UserQuery.global
IL_0027:  ldloc.0
IL_0028:  ldstr       "Test 1"
IL_002D:  callvirt    System.Action<System.String>.Invoke
IL_0032:  nop
IL_0033:  ldarg.0
IL_0034:  ldstr       "Test 2"
IL_0039:  call        UserQuery.DoSomethingNormal
IL_003E:  nop         

IL_0000:  nop
IL_0001:  ldarg.1
IL_0002:  ldarg.0
IL_0003:  ldfld       UserQuery.global
IL_0008:  box         System.Int32
IL_000D:  call        System.String.Concat
IL_0012:  call        System.Console.WriteLine
IL_0017:  nop
IL_0018:  ret         

IL_0000:  nop
IL_0001:  ldarg.1
IL_0002:  ldarg.0
IL_0003:  ldfld       UserQuery+<>c__DisplayClass1.local
IL_0008:  box         System.Int32
IL_000D:  call        System.String.Concat
IL_0012:  call        System.Console.WriteLine
IL_0017:  nop
IL_0018:  ret         

IL_0000:  ldarg.0
IL_0001:  call        System.Object..ctor
IL_0006:  ret

Again both functions are equal from the statements they call. The same mechanism has been applied again, namely the compiler generated a name for the function and placed it somewhere in the code. The big difference now is that the compiler also generated a class, where the compiler generated function (our lambda expression) has been placed in. An instance of this class is generated in the function, where we are (originally) creating the lambda expression. What’s the purpose of this class? It gives a global scope to the variables, which have been used as captured variables previously. With this trick, the lambda expression has access to the local scoped variables (because from the MSIL perspective, they are just global variables sitting in a class instance).

All variables are therefore assigned and read from the instance of the freshly generated class. This solves the problem of having references between variables (there has just to be one additional reference to the class – but that’s it!). The compiler is also smart enough to just place those variables in the class, which have been used as captured variables. Therefore we could have expected to have no performance issues when using lambda expressions. However, a warning is required that this behavior can enhance memory leaks due to still referenced lambda expressions. As lang as the function lives, the scope is still alive as well (this should have been obvious before – but now we do see the reason!).

Like before we will also put this into some nice little diagram. Here we see that in the case of closures not only the method is moved, but also the captured variables. All the moved objects will then be placed in a compiler generated class. Therefore we end up with instantiating a new object from a yet unknown class.

Porting some popular JavaScript patterns

One of the advantages of using (or knowing) JavaScript is the superior usage of functions. In JavaScript functions are just objects and can have properties assigned to them as well. In C# we cannot do everything that we can do in JavaScript, but we can do some things. One of the reasons for this is that JavaScript gives scope to variables within functions. Therefore one has to create (mostly anonymous) functions to localize variables. In C# we create scopes by using blocks, i.e. using curly brackets.

Of course in a way, functions do also give scope in C#. By using a lambda expression we are required to use curly brackets (i.e. create a new scope) for creating a variable within a lambda expression. However, additionally we can also create scopes locally.

Let’s have a look at some of the most useful JavaScript patterns that are now possible in C# by using lambda expressions.

Callback Pattern

This pattern is an old one. Actually the callback pattern has been used since the first version of the .NET-Framework, but in a slightly different way. Now the deal is that lambda expression can be used as closures, i.e. capturing local variables, which is an interesting feature that allows us to write code like the following:

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void CreateTextBox()
	var tb = new TextBox();
	tb.IsReadOnly = true;
	tb.Text = "Please wait ...";
	DoSomeStuff(() => {
		tb.Text = string.Empty;
		tb.IsReadOnly = false;

void DoSomeStuff(Action callback)
	// Do some stuff - asynchronous would be helpful ...

This whole pattern is nothing new for people who are coming from JavaScript. Here we usually tend to use this pattern a lot, since it is really useful and since we can use the parameter as event handler for AJAX related events (oncompleted, or onsuccess etc.), as well as other helpers. If you are using LINQ, then you also use part of the callback pattern, since for example the LINQ where will callback your query in every iteration. This is just one example when callback functions are useful. In the .NET-world usually events are the preferred way of doing events (as the name suggests), which is something like a callback on steroids. The reasons for this are two-fold, having a special keyword and type-pattern (2 parameters: sender and arguments, where sender is usually of type object (most general type) and arguments inherits from EventArgs), as well as having the opportunity to more than just one method to be invoked by using the += (add) and -= (remove) operators.

Returning Functions

As with usual functions, lambda expressions can also return a function pointer (delegate instance). This means that we can use a lambda expression to create and return a lambda expression (or just a delegate instance to an already defined method). There are plenty of scenarios where such a behavior might be helpful. First let’s have a look at some example code:

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Func<string, string> SayMyName(string language)
		case "fr":
			return name => {
				return "Je m'appelle " + name + ".";
		case "de":
			return name => {
				return "Mein Name ist " + name + ".";
			return name => {
				return "My name is " + name + ".";

void Main()
	var lang = "de";
	//Get language - e.g. by current OS settings
	var smn = SayMyName(lang);
	var name = Console.ReadLine();
	var sentence = smn(name);

The code could have been shorter in this case. We could have also avoided a default return value by just throwing an exception if the requested language has not been found. However, for illustration purposes this example should show that this is kind of a function factory. Another way to do this would be involving a Hashtable or the even better (due to static typing) Dictionary<K, V> type.

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static class Translations
	static readonly Dictionary<string, Func<string, string>> smnFunctions = new Dictionary<string, Func<string, string>>();

	static Translations()
		smnFunctions.Add("fr", name => "Je m'appelle " + name + ".");
		smnFunctions.Add("de", name => "Mein Name ist " + name + ".");
		smnFunctions.Add("en", name => "My name is " + name + ".");

	public static Func<string, string> GetSayMyName(string language)
		//Check if the language is available has been omitted on purpose
		return smnFunctions[language];

//Now it is sufficient to call Translations.GetSayMyName("de") to get the function with the German translation.

Even though this seems like over-engineered it might be the best way to do such function factories. After all this way is very easy to extend and can be used in a lot of scenarios. This pattern in combination with reflection can make most programming codes a lot more flexible, easier to maintain and more robust to extend. How such a pattern works is shown in the next picture.

Self-Defining Functions

The self-defining function pattern is a common trick in JavaScript and could be used to gain performance (and reliability) in any code. The main idea behind this pattern is that a function that has been set as a property (i.e. we only have a function pointer set on a variable) can be exchanged with another function very easily. Let’s have a look what that means exactly:

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class SomeClass
	public Func<int> NextPrime
		private set;

	int prime;

	public SomeClass
		NextPrime = () => {
			prime = 2;

			NextPrime = () => {
				//Algorithm to determine next - starting at prime
				//Set prime
				return prime;

			return prime;

What is done here? Well, in the first case we just get the first prime number, which is 2. Since this has been trivial, we can adjust our algorithm to exclude all even numbers by default. This will certainly speed up our algorithm, but we will still get 2 as the starting prime number. We will not have to see if we already performed a query on the NextPrime() function, since the function defines itself once the trivial case (2) has been returned. This way we save resources and can optimize our algorithm in the more interesting region (all numbers, which are greater than 2).

We already see that this can be used to gain performance as well. Let’s consider the following example:

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Action<int> loopBody = i => {
	if(i == 1000)
		loopBody = /* set to the body for the rest of the operations */;

	/* body for the first 1000 iterations */

for(int j = 0; j < 10000000; j++)

Here we basically just have two distinct regions – one for the first 1000 iterations and another for the 9999000 remaining iterations. Usually we would need a condition to differ between the two. This would be unnecessary overhead in most cases, which is why we use a self-defining function to change itself after the smaller region has been executed.

Immediately-Invoked Function Expression

In JavaScript immediately-invoked function expressions (so called IIFEs) are quite common. The reason for this is that unlike in C# curly brackets do not give scope to form new local variables. Therefore one would pollute the global (that is mostly the window object) object with variables. This is unwanted due to many reasons.

The solution is quite simple: While curly brackets do not give scope, functions do. Therefore variables defined within any function are restricted to this function (and its children). Since usually JavaScript users want those functions to be executed directly it would be a waste of variables and statement lines to first assign them a name and then execute them. Another reason for that this execution is required only once.

In C# we can easily write such functions as well. Here we also do get a new scope, but this should not be our main focus, since we can easily create a new scope anywhere we want to. Let’s have a look at some example code:

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(() => {
	// Do Something here!

This code can be resolved easily. However, if we want to do something with parameters, then we will need to specify their types. Let’s have an example of something that passes some arguments to the IIFE.

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((string s, int no) => {
	// Do Something here!
})("Example", 8);

This seems like too many lines for gaining nothing. However, we could combine this pattern to use the async keyword. Let’s view an example:

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await (async (string s, int no) => {
	// Do Something here async using Tasks!
})("Example", 8);

//Continue here after the task has been finished

Now there might be one or the other usage as an async-wrapper or similar.

Immediate Object Initialization

Quite close related is the immediate object initialization. The reason why I am including this pattern in an article about lambda expressions is that anonymous objects are quite powerful as they can contain more than just simple types. One thing that they could include are also lambda expressions. This is why there is something that can be discussed in the area of lambda expressions.

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//Create anonymous object
var person = new {
	Name = "Florian",
	Age = 28,
	Ask = (string question) => {
		Console.WriteLine("The answer to `" + question + "` is certainly 42!");

//Execute function
person.Ask("Why are you doing this?");

If you want to run this pattern, then you will most probably see an exception (at least I am seeing one). The mysterious reason is that lambda expressions cannot be assigned to anonymous objects. If that does not make sense to you, then we are sitting in the same boat. Luckily for us everything the compiler wants to tell us is: “Dude I do not know what kind of delegate I should create for this lambda expression!”. In this case it is easy to help the compiler. Just use the following code instead:

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var person = new {
	Name = "Florian",
	Age = 28,
	Ask = (Action<string>)((string question) => {
		Console.WriteLine("The answer to `" + question + "` is certainly 42!");

One of the questions that certainly arises is: In what scope does the function (in this case Ask) live? The answer is that it lives in the scope of the class that creates the anonymous object or in its own scope if it uses captured variables. Therefore the compiler still creates an anonymous object (which involves laying out the meta information for a compiler-generated class, instantiating a new object with the class information behind and using it), but is just setting the property Ask with the delegate object that refers to the position of our created lambda expression.

Caution You should avoid using this pattern when you actually want to access any of the properties of the anonymous object inside any of the lambda expressions you are directly setting to the anonymous object. The reason is the following: The C# compiler requires every object to be declared before you can actually use them. In this case the usage would be certainly after the declaration; but how should the compiler know? From his point of view the access is simultaneous with the declaration, hence the variable person has not been declared yet.

There is one way out of this hell (actually there are more ways, but in my opinion this is the most elegant…). Consider the following code:

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dynamic person = null;
person = new {
	Name = "Florian",
	Age = 28,
	Ask = (Action<string>)((string question) => {
		Console.WriteLine("The answer to `" + question + "` is certainly 42! My age is " + person.Age + ".");

//Execute function
person.Ask("Why are you doing this?");

Now we declare it before. We could have done the same thing by stating that person is of type object, but in this case we would require reflection (or some nice wrappers) to access the properties of the anonymous object. In this case we are relying on the DLR, which results in the nicest wrapper available for such things. Now the code is very JavaScript-ish and I do not knnow if this is a good thing or not … (that’s why there is a caution for this remark!).

Init-Time Branching

This pattern is actually quite closely related to the self-defining function. The only difference is, that in this case the function is not defining itself, but other functions. This is obviously only possible, if the other functions are not defined in a classic way, but over properties (i.e. member variables).

The pattern is also known under the name load-time branching and is essentially an optimization pattern. This pattern has been created to avoid permanent usage of switch-case or if-else etc. control structures. So in a way one could say that this pattern is creating roads to connect certain branches of the code permanently.

Let’s consider the following example:

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public Action AutoSave { get; private set; }

public void ReadSettings(Settings settings)
	/* Read some settings of the user */

		AutoSave = () => { /* Perform Auto Save */ };
		AutoSave = () => { }; //Just do nothing!

Here we are doing two things. First we have one method to read out the users settings (handling some arbitrary Settings class). If we find that the user has enabled the auto saving, then we set the full code to the property. Otherwise we are just placing a dummy method on this location. Therefore we can always just call the AutoSave() property and invoke it – we will always do what has been set. There is no need to check the settings again or something similar. We also do not need to save this one particular setting in a boolean variable, since the corresponding function has been set dynamically.

One might think that this is not a huge performance gain, but this is just one small example. In a very complex code this could actually save some time – especially if the scenarios are getting more complex and when the dynamically set methods will be called within (huge) loops.

Also (and I consider this the main reason) this code is probably easier to maintain (if one knows about this pattern) and easier to read. Instead of unnecessery control sequences one can focus on what’s important: calling the auto save routine for instance.

In JavaScript such load-time branching pattern has been used the most in combination with feature (or browser) detection. Not to mention that browser detection is in fact evil and should not be done on any website, feature detection is indeed quite useful and is used best in combination with this pattern. This is also the way that (as an example) jQuery detects the right object to use for AJAX requests. Once it spots the XMLHttpRequest object within the browser, there is no chance that the underlyling browser will change in the middle of our script execution resulting in the need to deal with an ActiveX object.

Scenarios in which lambdas are super useful

Some of the patterns are more applicable than others. One really useful pattern is the self-defining function expression for initializing parts of some objects. Let’s consider the following example:

We want to create an object that is able of performing some kind of lazy loading. This means that even though the object has been properly instantiated, we did not load all the required resources. One reason to avoid this is due to a massive IO operation (like a network transfer over the Internet) for obtaining the required data. We want to make sure that the data is as fresh as possible, when we start working with the data. Now there are certain ways to do this, and the most efficient would certainly be the way that the Entity Framework has solved this lazy loading scenario with LINQ. Here IQueryable<T> only stores the queries without having the underlying data. Once we require a result, not only the constructed query is executed, but the query is executed in the most efficient form, e.g. as an SQL query on the remote database server.

In our scenario we just want to differ between the two states. First we query, then everything should be prepared and queries should be performed on the loaded data.

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class LazyLoad
	public LazyLoad()
		Search = query => {
			var source = Database.SearchQuery(query);

			Search = subquery => {
				var filtered = source.Filter(subquery);

				foreach(var result in filtered)
					yield return result;

			foreach(var result in source)
				yield return result;

	public Func<string, IEnumerable<ResultObject>> Search { get; private set; }

So we basically have two different kind of methods to be set here. The first one will pull the data out of the Database (or whatever this static class is doing), while the second one will filter the data that has been pulled out from the database. Once we have our result we will basically just work with the set of results from this first query. Of course one could also imagine to built in another method to reset the behavior of this class or other methods that would be useful for a productive code.

Another example is the init-time branching. Assume that we have an object that has one method called Perform(). This method will be used to invoke some code. This object that contains this method could be initialized (i.e.constructed) in three different ways:

  1. By passing the function to invoke (direct).
  2. By passing some object which contains the function to invoke (indirect).
  3. Or by passing the information of the first case in a serialized form.

Now we could save all those three states (along with the complete information given) as global variables. The invocation of the Perform() method would now have to look at the current state (either saved in an enumeration variable, or due to comparisons with null) and then determine the right way to be invoked. Finally the invocation could begin.

A much better way is to have the Perform() method as a property. This property can only be set within the object and is a delegate type. Now we can set the property directly in the corresponding constructor. Therefore we can omit the global variables and do not have to worry about in which way the object has been constructed. This performs better and has the advantage of being fixed, once constructed (as it should be).

A little bit of example code regarding this scenario:

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class Example
	public Action<object> Perform { get; private set; }

	public Example(Action<object> methodToBeInvoked)
		Perform = methodToBeInvoked;

	//The interface is arbitrary as well
	public Example(IHaveThatFunction mother)
		//The passed object must have the method we are interested in
		Perform = mother.TheCorrespondingFunction;

	public Example(string methodSource)
		//The Compile method is arbitrary and not part of .NET or C#
		Perform = Compile(methodSource);

Even though this example seems to be constructed (pun intended) it can applied quite often, however, mostly with just the first two possible calls. Interesting scenarios rise in the topics of domain specific languages (DSL), compilers, to logging frameworks, data access layers and many many more. Usually there are many ways to finish the task, but a carefully and well-thought lambda expression might be the most elegant solution.

Thinking about one scenario where one would certainly benefit from having an immediately invoked function expression is in the area of functional programming. However, without going to deep into this topic I’ll show another way to use IIFE in C#. The scenario I am showing is also a common one, but it will certainly not being used that often (and I believe that this is really OK that way, that it is not used in such scenarios).

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Func<double, double> myfunc;
var firstValue = (myfunc = (x) => {
	return 2.0 * x * x - 0.5 * x;
var secondValue = myfunc(2);

One can also use immediately invoked functions to prevent that certain (non-static) methods will be invoked more than once. This is then a combination of self-defining functions with init-time branching and IIFE.

Some new lambda focused design patterns

This section will introduce some patterns I’ve come up with that have lambda expressions in their core. I do not think that all of them are completely new, but at least I have not seen anyone putting a name tag on them. So I decided that I’ll try to come up with some names that might be good or not (it will be a matter of taste). At least the names I’ll pick try to be descriptive. I will also give a judgement if this pattern is useful, powerful or dangerous. To say something in advance: Most pattern are quite powerful, but might introduce potential bugs in your code. So handle with care!

Polymorphism completely in your hands

Lambda expressions can be used to create something like polymorphism (override) without using abstract or virtual (that does not mean that you cannot use those keywords). Consider the following code snippet:

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class MyBaseClass
	public Action SomeAction { get; protected set; }

	public MyBaseClass()
		SomeAction = () => {
			//Do something!

Now nothing new here. We are creating a class, which is publishing a function (a lambda expression) over a property. This is again quite JavaScript-ish. The interesting part is that not only this class has the control to change the function that is exposed by the property, but also children of this class. Take a look at this code snippet:

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class MyInheritedClass : MyBaseClass
	public MyInheritedClass
		SomeAction = () => {
			//Do something different!

Aha! So we could actually just change the method (or the method that is set to the property to be more accurate) by abusing the protected access modifier. The disadvantage of this method is of course that we cannot directly access the parent’s implementation. Here we are lacking the powers of base, since the base’s property has the same value. If one really need’s something like that, then I suggest the following *pattern*:

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class MyBaseClass
	public Action SomeAction { get; private set; }

	Stack<Action> previousActions;

	protected void AddSomeAction(Action newMethod)
		SomeAction = newMethod;

	protected void RemoveSomeAction()
		if(previousActions.Count == 0)

		SomeAction = previousActions.Pop();

	public MyBaseClass()
		previousActions = new Stack<Action>();

		SomeAction = () => {
			//Do something!

In this case the children have to go over the method AddSomeAction() to override the current set method. This method will then just push the currently set method to the stack of previous methods enabling us to restore any previous state.

My name for this pattern is Lambda Property Polymorphism Pattern (or short LP3). It basically describes the possibility of encapsulting any function in a property, which then can be set by derivatives of the base class. The stack is just an addition to this pattern, which does not change the patterns goal to use a property as the point of interaction.

Why this pattern? Well, there are several reasons. To start with: Because we can! But wait, this pattern can actually become quite handy if you start to use quite different kinds of properties. Suddenly the word “polymorphism” becomes a complete new meaning. But this will be a different pattern… Now I just want to point out that this pattern can in reality do things that have been thought to be impossible.

An example: You want (it is not recommended, but it would be the most elegant solution for your problem) to override a static method. Well, inheritence is not possible with static methods. The reason for this is quite simple: Inheritence just applies to instances, whereas static members are not bound to an instance. They are the same for all instances. This also implies a warning. The following pattern might not have the outcome you want to have, so only use it when you know what you are doing!

Here’s some example code:

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void Main()
	var mother = HotDaughter.Activator().Message;
	//mother = "I am the mother"
	var create = new HotDaughter();
	var daughter = HotDaughter.Activator().Message;
	//daughter = "I am the daughter"

class CoolMother
	public static Func<CoolMother> Activator { get; protected set; }

	//We are only doing this to avoid NULL references!
	static CoolMother()
		Activator = () => new CoolMother();

	public CoolMother()
		//Message of every mother
		Message = "I am the mother";

	public string Message { get; protected set; }

class HotDaughter : CoolMother
	public HotDaughter()
		//Once this constructor has been "touched" we set the Activator ...
		Activator = () => new HotDaughter();
		//Message of every daughter
		Message = "I am the daughter";

This is only a very simple and hopefully not totally misleading example. The things can become very complex in such a pattern, which is why I would always want to avoid it. Nevertheless it is possible (and it is also possible to construct all those static properties and functions in such a way, that you are still always getting the one in which you are interested in). A good solution regarding static polymorphism (yes, it is possible!) is not easy and requires some coding and should only be done if it really solves your problem without any additional headaches.

More to come …

This section will be updated with more patterns the next few days… So stay tuned!

Using the code

I’ve compiled a collection of some of the samples and made a list of the benchmarks. I’ve collected everything in a console project – so it should basically run on every platform (I mean Mono, .NET, Silverlight, … you name it!) that supports C# up to version 3. My recommendation is that one should first try around with LINQPad. Most of the sample code here can be compiled directly within LINQPad. Some examples are very abstract and cannot be compiled without creating a proper scenario as described.

Nevertheless I hope that the code demonstrates some of the features I’ve mentioned in this article. I also hope that lambda expressions become as strongly used as interfaces are being used nowadays. Thinking back some years interfaces seemed like totally over-engineered with not so much use at all. Nowadays everyone’s just talking about interfaces – “where’s the implementation?” one might ask… Lambda expressions are so useful that the greatest extensions make them do work as they should. Could you imagine programming in C# without LINQ, ASP.NET MVC, Reactive Extensions, Tasks … (your favorite framework?) the way you know and enjoy it?

Points of Interest

When I first saw the syntax for lambda expressions I somehow got frightend a bit. The syntax seemed complicated and not very useful. Now I completely reverted my opinion. I think the syntax is actually quite amazing (especially compared to the syntax that is present in C++11, but this is just a matter of taste). I also think that lambda expressions are a crucial part of the whole C# language.

Without this language feature I doubt that C# would have created such nice possibilites like ASP.NET MVC, lots of the MVVM frameworks, … and not to mention LINQ! Of course all those technologies would have been possible as well, but not in such a clear and nicely useable way.

A personal note at the end. It’s been one year that I am actively contributing to the CodeProject! This is my 16th article (this is great since I like integer powers of 2) and I am happy that so many people find some of my articles helpful. I hope that all of you will appreciate what is about to come in 2013, where I will probably focus on creating a bridge between C# and JavaScript (I leave it open to you to imagine what I mean by that – and no: its not one of those seen C# to JavaScript or MSIL to JavaScript transpilers).

That being said: I wish everyone a merry christmas and a happy new year 2013!


  • v1.0.0 | Initial Release | 12.12.2012
  • v1.1.0 | Added LP3 pattern | 14.12.2012


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