Tag Archives: Spark

Data science Python notebooks






IPython Notebook(s) demonstrating deep learning functionality.



Additional TensorFlow tutorials:

Notebook Description
tsf-basics Learn basic operations in TensorFlow, a library for various kinds of perceptual and language understanding tasks from Google.
tsf-linear Implement linear regression in TensorFlow.
tsf-logistic Implement logistic regression in TensorFlow.
tsf-nn Implement nearest neighboars in TensorFlow.
tsf-alex Implement AlexNet in TensorFlow.
tsf-cnn Implement convolutional neural networks in TensorFlow.
tsf-mlp Implement multilayer perceptrons in TensorFlow.
tsf-rnn Implement recurrent neural networks in TensorFlow.
tsf-gpu Learn about basic multi-GPU computation in TensorFlow.
tsf-gviz Learn about graph visualization in TensorFlow.
tsf-lviz Learn about loss visualization in TensorFlow.


Notebook Description
tsf-not-mnist Learn simple data curation by creating a pickle with formatted datasets for training, development and testing in TensorFlow.
tsf-fully-connected Progressively train deeper and more accurate models using logistic regression and neural networks in TensorFlow.
tsf-regularization Explore regularization techniques by training fully connected networks to classify notMNIST characters in TensorFlow.
tsf-convolutions Create convolutional neural networks in TensorFlow.
tsf-word2vec Train a skip-gram model over Text8 data in TensorFlow.
tsf-lstm Train a LSTM character model over Text8 data in TensorFlow.



Notebook Description
theano-intro Intro to Theano, which allows you to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficiently. It can use GPUs and perform efficient symbolic differentiation.
theano-scan Learn scans, a mechanism to perform loops in a Theano graph.
theano-logistic Implement logistic regression in Theano.
theano-rnn Implement recurrent neural networks in Theano.
theano-mlp Implement multilayer perceptrons in Theano.



Notebook Description
keras Keras is an open source neural network library written in Python. It is capable of running on top of either Tensorflow or Theano.
setup Learn about the tutorial goals and how to set up your Keras environment.
intro-deep-learning-ann Get an intro to deep learning with Keras and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN).
theano Learn about Theano by working with weights matrices and gradients.
keras-otto Learn about Keras by looking at the Kaggle Otto challenge.
ann-mnist Review a simple implementation of ANN for MNIST using Keras.
conv-nets Learn about Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) with Keras.
conv-net-1 Recognize handwritten digits from MNIST using Keras – Part 1.
conv-net-2 Recognize handwritten digits from MNIST using Keras – Part 2.
keras-models Use pre-trained models such as VGG16, VGG19, ResNet50, and Inception v3 with Keras.
auto-encoders Learn about Autoencoders with Keras.
rnn-lstm Learn about Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) with Keras.
lstm-sentence-gen Learn about RNNs using Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) networks with Keras.


Notebook Description
deep-dream Caffe-based computer vision program which uses a convolutional neural network to find and enhance patterns in images.



IPython Notebook(s) demonstrating scikit-learn functionality.

Notebook Description
intro Intro notebook to scikit-learn. Scikit-learn adds Python support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a large library of high-level mathematical functions to operate on these arrays.
knn Implement k-nearest neighbors in scikit-learn.
linear-reg Implement linear regression in scikit-learn.
svm Implement support vector machine classifiers with and without kernels in scikit-learn.
random-forest Implement random forest classifiers and regressors in scikit-learn.
k-means Implement k-means clustering in scikit-learn.
pca Implement principal component analysis in scikit-learn.
gmm Implement Gaussian mixture models in scikit-learn.
validation Implement validation and model selection in scikit-learn.



IPython Notebook(s) demonstrating statistical inference with SciPy functionality.

Notebook Description
scipy SciPy is a collection of mathematical algorithms and convenience functions built on the Numpy extension of Python. It adds significant power to the interactive Python session by providing the user with high-level commands and classes for manipulating and visualizing data.
effect-size Explore statistics that quantify effect size by analyzing the difference in height between men and women. Uses data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) to estimate the mean and standard deviation of height for adult women and men in the United States.
sampling Explore random sampling by analyzing the average weight of men and women in the United States using BRFSS data.
hypothesis Explore hypothesis testing by analyzing the difference of first-born babies compared with others.



IPython Notebook(s) demonstrating pandas functionality.

Notebook Description
pandas Software library written for data manipulation and analysis in Python. Offers data structures and operations for manipulating numerical tables and time series.
github-data-wrangling Learn how to load, clean, merge, and feature engineer by analyzing GitHub data from the Viz repo.
Introduction-to-Pandas Introduction to Pandas.
Introducing-Pandas-Objects Learn about Pandas objects.
Data Indexing and Selection Learn about data indexing and selection in Pandas.
Operations-in-Pandas Learn about operating on data in Pandas.
Missing-Values Learn about handling missing data in Pandas.
Hierarchical-Indexing Learn about hierarchical indexing in Pandas.
Concat-And-Append Learn about combining datasets: concat and append in Pandas.
Merge-and-Join Learn about combining datasets: merge and join in Pandas.
Aggregation-and-Grouping Learn about aggregation and grouping in Pandas.
Pivot-Tables Learn about pivot tables in Pandas.
Working-With-Strings Learn about vectorized string operations in Pandas.
Working-with-Time-Series Learn about working with time series in pandas.
Performance-Eval-and-Query Learn about high-performance Pandas: eval() and query() in Pandas.



IPython Notebook(s) demonstrating matplotlib functionality.

Notebook Description
matplotlib Python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environments across platforms.
matplotlib-applied Apply matplotlib visualizations to Kaggle competitions for exploratory data analysis. Learn how to create bar plots, histograms, subplot2grid, normalized plots, scatter plots, subplots, and kernel density estimation plots.
Introduction-To-Matplotlib Introduction to Matplotlib.
Simple-Line-Plots Learn about simple line plots in Matplotlib.
Simple-Scatter-Plots Learn about simple scatter plots in Matplotlib.
Errorbars.ipynb Learn about visualizing errors in Matplotlib.
Density-and-Contour-Plots Learn about density and contour plots in Matplotlib.
Histograms-and-Binnings Learn about histograms, binnings, and density in Matplotlib.
Customizing-Legends Learn about customizing plot legends in Matplotlib.
Customizing-Colorbars Learn about customizing colorbars in Matplotlib.
Multiple-Subplots Learn about multiple subplots in Matplotlib.
Text-and-Annotation Learn about text and annotation in Matplotlib.
Customizing-Ticks Learn about customizing ticks in Matplotlib.
Settings-and-Stylesheets Learn about customizing Matplotlib: configurations and stylesheets.
Three-Dimensional-Plotting Learn about three-dimensional plotting in Matplotlib.
Geographic-Data-With-Basemap Learn about geographic data with basemap in Matplotlib.
Visualization-With-Seaborn Learn about visualization with Seaborn.



IPython Notebook(s) demonstrating NumPy functionality.

Notebook Description
numpy Adds Python support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a large library of high-level mathematical functions to operate on these arrays.
Introduction-to-NumPy Introduction to NumPy.
Understanding-Data-Types Learn about data types in Python.
The-Basics-Of-NumPy-Arrays Learn about the basics of NumPy arrays.
Computation-on-arrays-ufuncs Learn about computations on NumPy arrays: universal functions.
Computation-on-arrays-aggregates Learn about aggregations: min, max, and everything in between in NumPy.
Computation-on-arrays-broadcasting Learn about computation on arrays: broadcasting in NumPy.
Boolean-Arrays-and-Masks Learn about comparisons, masks, and boolean logic in NumPy.
Fancy-Indexing Learn about fancy indexing in NumPy.
Sorting Learn about sorting arrays in NumPy.
Structured-Data-NumPy Learn about structured data: NumPy’s structured arrays.



IPython Notebook(s) demonstrating Python functionality geared towards data analysis.

Notebook Description
data structures Learn Python basics with tuples, lists, dicts, sets.
data structure utilities Learn Python operations such as slice, range, xrange, bisect, sort, sorted, reversed, enumerate, zip, list comprehensions.
functions Learn about more advanced Python features: Functions as objects, lambda functions, closures, *args, **kwargs currying, generators, generator expressions, itertools.
datetime Learn how to work with Python dates and times: datetime, strftime, strptime, timedelta.
logging Learn about Python logging with RotatingFileHandler and TimedRotatingFileHandler.
pdb Learn how to debug in Python with the interactive source code debugger.
unit tests Learn how to test in Python with Nose unit tests.



IPython Notebook(s) used in kaggle competitions and business analyses.

Notebook Description
titanic Predict survival on the Titanic. Learn data cleaning, exploratory data analysis, and machine learning.
churn-analysis Predict customer churn. Exercise logistic regression, gradient boosting classifers, support vector machines, random forests, and k-nearest-neighbors. Includes discussions of confusion matrices, ROC plots, feature importances, prediction probabilities, and calibration/descrimination.



IPython Notebook(s) demonstrating spark and HDFS functionality.

Notebook Description
spark In-memory cluster computing framework, up to 100 times faster for certain applications and is well suited for machine learning algorithms.
hdfs Reliably stores very large files across machines in a large cluster.



IPython Notebook(s) demonstrating Hadoop MapReduce with mrjob functionality.

Notebook Description
mapreduce-python Runs MapReduce jobs in Python, executing jobs locally or on Hadoop clusters. Demonstrates Hadoop Streaming in Python code with unit test and mrjob config file to analyze Amazon S3 bucket logs on Elastic MapReduce. Disco is another python-based alternative.



IPython Notebook(s) demonstrating Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AWS tools functionality.

Also check out:

  • SAWS: A Supercharged AWS command line interface (CLI).
  • Awesome AWS: A curated list of libraries, open source repos, guides, blogs, and other resources.
Notebook Description
boto Official AWS SDK for Python.
s3cmd Interacts with S3 through the command line.
s3distcp Combines smaller files and aggregates them together by taking in a pattern and target file. S3DistCp can also be used to transfer large volumes of data from S3 to your Hadoop cluster.
s3-parallel-put Uploads multiple files to S3 in parallel.
redshift Acts as a fast data warehouse built on top of technology from massive parallel processing (MPP).
kinesis Streams data in real time with the ability to process thousands of data streams per second.
lambda Runs code in response to events, automatically managing compute resources.



IPython Notebook(s) demonstrating various command lines for Linux, Git, etc.

Notebook Description
linux Unix-like and mostly POSIX-compliant computer operating system. Disk usage, splitting files, grep, sed, curl, viewing running processes, terminal syntax highlighting, and Vim.
anaconda Distribution of the Python programming language for large-scale data processing, predictive analytics, and scientific computing, that aims to simplify package management and deployment.
ipython notebook Web-based interactive computational environment where you can combine code execution, text, mathematics, plots and rich media into a single document.
git Distributed revision control system with an emphasis on speed, data integrity, and support for distributed, non-linear workflows.
ruby Used to interact with the AWS command line and for Jekyll, a blog framework that can be hosted on GitHub Pages.
jekyll Simple, blog-aware, static site generator for personal, project, or organization sites. Renders Markdown or Textile and Liquid templates, and produces a complete, static website ready to be served by Apache HTTP Server, Nginx or another web server.
pelican Python-based alternative to Jekyll.
django High-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It can be useful to share reports/analyses and for blogging. Lighter-weight alternatives include Pyramid, Flask, Tornado, and Bottle.


IPython Notebook(s) demonstrating miscellaneous functionality.

Notebook Description
regex Regular expression cheat sheet useful in data wrangling.
algorithmia Algorithmia is a marketplace for algorithms. This notebook showcases 4 different algorithms: Face Detection, Content Summarizer, Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Optical Character Recognition.



Anaconda is a free distribution of the Python programming language for large-scale data processing, predictive analytics, and scientific computing that aims to simplify package management and deployment.

Follow instructions to install Anaconda or the more lightweight miniconda.


For detailed instructions, scripts, and tools to set up your development environment for data analysis, check out the dev-setup repo.


To view interactive content or to modify elements within the IPython notebooks, you must first clone or download the repository then run the notebook. More information on IPython Notebooks can be found here.

$ git clone https://github.com/donnemartin/data-science-ipython-notebooks.git
$ cd data-science-ipython-notebooks
$ jupyter notebook

Notebooks tested with Python 2.7.x.



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This repository contains a variety of content; some developed by Donne Martin, and some from third-parties. The third-party content is distributed under the license provided by those parties.

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基于 Spark 的文本情感分析

IBM 公司在 2015 年对外宣告了一个新的科技和商务时代的来临—认知时代。这个巨大的转变,来自 IBM 对技术和商业领域的三个重要的洞察力[1]。第一,这个世界被数据所充斥。第二,这个世界通过代码被改造。第三,认知计算的出现。其中,认知计算可以:

  • 通过感知与互动,理解非结构化数据
  • 通过生成假设、评估、辩证、和建议来推理
  • 从专家培训、每一次互动、及持续取得数据中学习。

本文描述了一个基于 Spark 构建的认知系统:文本情感分析系统,分析和理解社交论坛的非结构化文本数据。

基于 Spark 的文本情感分析



  1. 收集数据集:本文中,以分析电影《疯狂动物城》的用户评论为例子,采集豆瓣上《疯狂动物城》的用户短评和短评评分作为样本数据,通过样本数据训练分类模型来判断微博上的一段话对该电影的情感倾向。
  2. 设计文本的表示模型:让机器“读懂”文字,是文本情感分析的基础,而这首先要解决的问题是文本的表示模型。通常,文本的表示采用向量空间模型,也就是说采用向量表示文本。向量的特征项是模型中最小的单元,可以是一个文档中的字、词或短语,一个文档的内容可以看成是它的特征项组成的集合,而每一个特征项依据一定的原则都被赋予上权重。
  3. 选择文本的特征:当可以把一个文档映射成向量后,那如何选择特征项和特征值呢?通常的做法是先进行中文分词(­­­­本文使用 jieba 分词工具),把用户评论转化成词语后,可以使用 TF-IDF(Term Frequency–Inverse Document Frequency,词频-逆文档频率)算法来抽取特征,并计算出特征值。
  4. 选择分类模型:常用的分类算法有很多,如:决策树、贝叶斯、人工神经网络、K-近邻、支持向量机等等。在文本分类上使用较多的是贝叶斯和支持向量机。本文中,也以这两种方法来进行模型训练。

为什么采用 Spark

传统的单节点计算已经难以满足用户生成的海量数据的处理和分析的要求。比如,豆瓣网站上《疯狂动物城》电影短评就有 111421 条,如果需要同时处理来自多个大型专业网站上所有电影的影评,单台服务器的计算能力和存储能力都很难满足需求。这个时候需要考虑引入分布式计算的技术,使得计算能力和存储能力能够线性扩展。

Spark 是一个快速的、通用的集群计算平台,也是业内非常流行的开源分布式技术。Spark 围绕着 RDD(Resilient Distributed Dataset)弹性分布式数据集,扩展了广泛使用的 MapReduce[5]计算模型,相比起 Hadoop[6]的 MapReduce 计算框架,Spark 更为高效和灵活。Spark 主要的特点如下:

  1. 内存计算:能够在内存中进行计算,它会优先考虑使用各计算节点的内存作为存储,当内存不足时才会考虑使用磁盘,这样极大的减少了磁盘 I/O,提高了效率。
  2. 惰性求值:RDD 丰富的计算操作可以分为两类,转化操作和行动操作。而当程序调用 RDD 的转化操作(如数据的读取、Map、Filter)的时候,Spark 并不会立刻开始计算,而是记下所需要执行的操作,尽可能的将一些转化操作合并,来减少计算数据的步骤,只有在调用行动操作(如获取数据的行数 Count)的时候才会开始读入数据,进行转化操作、行动操作,得到结果。
  3. 接口丰富:Spark 提供 Scala,Java,Python,R 四种编程语言接口,可以满足不同技术背景的工程人员的需求。并且还能和其他大数据工具密切配合。例如 Spark 可以运行在 Hadoop 之上,能够访问所有支持 Hadoop 的数据源(如 HDFS、Cassandra、Hbase)。

本文以 Spark 的 Python 接口为例,介绍如何构建一个文本情感分析系统。作者采用 Python 3.5.0,Spark1.6.1 作为开发环境,使用 Jupyter Notebook[7]编写代码。Jupyter Notebook 是由 IPython Notebook 演化而来,是一套基于 Web 的交互环境,允许大家将代码、代码执行、数学函数、富文档、绘图以及其它元素整合为单一文件。在运行 pyspark 的之前,需要指定一下 pyspark 的运行环境,如下所示:

清单 1. 指定 pyspark 的 ipython notebook 运行环境

接下里就可以在 Jupyter Notebook 里编写代码了。

基于 Spark 如何构建文本情感分析系统

在本文第 1 章,介绍了文本情感分析主要涉及的四个技术环节。基于 Spark 构建的文本分类系统的技术流程也是这样的。在大规模的文本数据的情况下,有所不同的是文本的特征维度一般都是非常巨大的。试想一下所有的中文字、词有多少,再算上其他的语言和所有能在互联网上找到的文本,那么文本数据按照词的维度就能轻松的超过数十万、数百万维,所以需要寻找一种可以处理极大维度文本数据的方法。

在本文后续章节中,将依次按照基于 Spark 做数据预处理、文本建模、特征提取、训练分类模型、实现待输入文本分类展开讨论。系统的上下文关系图如图 1 所示,系统的功能架构图如图 2 所示。

图 1. 基于 Spark 文本情感分析系统上下文


图 2. 基于 Spark 文本情感分析系统功能架构图




表 1. 示例数据
评分 评论文本
5 做冰棍那机智的不像话!!!全片最爱!!!想吃!!!
5 绝对的好片子裂墙推荐。实在是因为另一场满了…随手挑了这个片子。真是 5 分钟一小笑 10 分钟哄堂大笑。看那个又懒又慢树獭简直要锤墙了。旁边法国妹子精辟的吐槽!看!这是我们法国人。我要憋到内伤了。最后散场大家都静坐着等着整首歌放完…五星好评。2016 年度十佳。
5 不要看任何影评,如果可以预告片都别看,直接买票就好了。你要啥这电影里有啥!
3 最精彩的动画是用想象力拍出真实世界难以实现的故事,而不是用动物化填充一段如果是真人就普通到不能再普通的烂俗故事。笑料有,萌趣有,但更有的是莫名其妙的主旋律和政治正确,恐怕没有评分所体现的那么出色。
4 换了新领导就是不一样。迪士尼暗黑大电影,洛杉矶罪案片风格和内核。还真是动物乌托邦,美国针对有色人种,欧洲针对难民,天朝针对公知和五毛吗?人设精彩,细节丰富,但要说创意超《头脑特工队》显然就不实事求是了。
…… ………………

表格中每一行为一条评论数据,按照“评分,评论文本”排放,中间以制表符切分,评分范围从 1 分到 5 分,这样的数据共采集了 116567 条。


这一节本文是要说明用 Spark 是如何做数据清洗和抽取的。在该子系统中输入为爬虫的数据,输出为包含相同数量好评和坏评的 Saprk 弹性分布式数据集。

Spark 数据处理主要是围绕 RDD(Resilient Distributed Datasets) 弹性分布式数据集对象展开,本文首先将爬虫数据载入到 Spark 系统,抽象成为一个 RDD。可以用 distinct 方法对数据去重。数据转换主要是用了 map 方法,它接受传入的一个数据转换的方法来按行执行方法,从而达到转换的操作它只需要用一个函数将输入和输出映射好,那么就能完成转换。数据过滤使用 filter 方法,它能够保留判断条件为真的数据。可以用下面这个语句,将每一行文本变成一个 list,并且只保留长度为 2 的数据。

清单 2. Spark 做数据预处理
rateDocument=originDistinctData.map(lambda line : line.split('\t')).\
filter(lambda line : len(line)==2)
清单 3. 统计数据基本信息
fiveRateDocument=rateDocument.filter(lambda line : int(line[0])==5)

本文得到,五分的数据有 30447 条,4 分、3 分、2 分、1 分的数据分别有 11711 条,123 条,70 条。打五分的毫无疑问是好评;考虑到不同人对于评分的不同偏好,对于打四分的数据,本文无法得知它是好评还是坏评;对于打三分及三分以下的是坏评。


清单 4. 合并负样本数据

通过计算得到,好评和坏评分别有 30447 条和 2238 条,属于非平衡样本的机器模型训练。本文只取部分好评数据,好评和坏评的数量一样,这样训练的正负样本就是均衡的。最后把正负样本放在一起,并把分类标签和文本分开,形成训练数据集

清单 5. 生̧成训练数̧据集
rate=allRateDocument.map(lambda s : ReduceRate(s[0]))
document=allRateDocument.map(lambda s: s[1])


这一节中,本文主要介绍如何做文本分词,如何用 TF-IDF 算法抽取文本特征。将输入的文本数据转化为向量,让计算能够“读懂”文本。

解决文本分类问题,最重要的就是要让文本可计算,用合适的方式来表示文本,其中的核心就是找到文本的特征和特征值。相比起英文,中文多了一个分词的过程。本文首先用 jieba 分词器将文本分词,这样每个词都可以作为文本的一个特征。jieba 分词器有三种模式的分词:

  1. 精确模式,试图将句子最精确地切开,适合文本分析;
  2. 全模式,把句子中所有的可以成词的词语都扫描出来, 速度非常快,但是不能解决歧义;
  3. 搜索引擎模式,在精确模式的基础上,对长词再次切分,提高召回率,适合用于搜索引擎分词。


清单 6. 分词
words=document.map(lambda w:"/".\
map(lambda line: line.split("/"))

出于对大规模数据计算需求的考虑,spark 的词频计算是用特征哈希(HashingTF)来计算的。特征哈希是一种处理高维数据的技术,经常应用在文本和分类数据集上。普通的 k 分之一特征编码需要在一个向量中维护可能的特征值及其到下标的映射,而每次构建这个映射的过程本身就需要对数据集进行一次遍历。这并不适合上千万甚至更多维度的特征处理。


要使用特征哈希来处理文本,需要先实例化一个 HashingTF 对象,将词转化为词频,为了高效计算,本文将后面会重复使用的词频缓存。

清单 7. 训练词频矩阵
hashingTF = HashingTF()
tf = hashingTF.transform(words)

缺省情况下,实例化的 HashingTF 特征维数 numFeatures 取了 220次方维,在 spark 的源码中可以看到,HashingTF 的过程就是对每一个词作了一次哈希并对特征维数取余得到该词的位置,然后按照该词出现的次数计次。所以就不用像传统方法一样每次维护一张词表,运用 HashingTF 就可以方便的得到该词所对应向量元素的位置。当然这样做的代价就是向量维数会非常大,好在 spark 可以支持稀疏向量,所以计算开销并不大。

图 3. HashingTF 源码



本文采用 TF-IDF 作为特征提取的方法,它的权重与特征项在文档中出现的评率成正相关,与在整个语料中出现该特征项的文档成反相关。下面依据 tf 来计算逆词频 idf,并计算出 TF-IDF

清单 8. 计算 TF-IDF 矩阵
idfModel = IDF().fit(tf)
tfidf = idfModel.transform(tf)



在这一小节中,本文介绍如何用 Spark 训练朴素贝叶斯分类模型,这一流程的输入是文本的特征向量及已经标记好的分类标签。在这里本文得到的是分类模型及文本分类的正确率。

现在,有了文本的特征项及特征值,也有了分类标签,需要用 RDD 的 zip 算子将这两部分数据连接起来,并将其转化为分类模型里的 LabeledPoint 类型。并随机将数据分为训练集和测试集,60%作为训练集,40%作为测试集。

清单 9. 生成训练集和测试集
data=zipped.map(lambda line:LabeledPoint(line[0],line[1]))
training, test = data.randomSplit([0.6, 0.4], seed = 0)

本文用训练数据来训练贝叶斯模型,得到 NBmodel 模型来预测测试集的文本特征向量,并且计算出各个模型的正确率,这个模型的正确率为 74.83%。

清单 10. 训练贝叶斯分类模型
NBmodel = NaiveBayes.train(training, 1.0)
predictionAndLabel = test.map(lambda p : (NBmodel.predict(p.features), p.label))
accuracy = 1.0 * predictionAndLabel.filter(lambda x: 1.0 \
if x[0] == x[1] else 0.0).count() / test.count()



现在可以用本文训练好的模型来对未标记文本分类,流程是获取用户输入的评论,然后将输入的评论文本分词并转化成 tf-idf 特征向量,然后用 3.4 节中训练好的分类模型来分类。

清单 11. 分类未分类文本
yourtf = hashingTF.transform(yourwords)
print('NaiveBayes Model Predict:',NBmodel.predict(yourtfidf),'

当程序输入待分类的评论:“这部电影没有意思,剧情老套,真没劲, 后悔来看了”

程序输出为“NaiveBayes Model Predict: 0.0”。


程序输出为“NaiveBayes Model Predict: 1.0”。



在第三章中,本文介绍了构建文本分类系统的方法,但是正确率只有 74.83%,在这一章中,本文将讲述文本分类正确率低的原因及改进方法。


  1. 文本预处理比较粗糙,可以进一步处理,比如去掉停用词,去掉低频词;
  2. 特征词抽取信息太少,搜索引擎模式的分词模式不如全分词模式提供的特征项多;
  3. 朴素贝叶斯模型比较简单,可以用其他更为先进的模型算法,如 SVM;
  4. 数据资源太少,本文只能利用了好评、坏评论各 2238 条。数据量太少,由于爬虫爬取的数据,没有进行人工的进一步的筛选,数据质量也得不到 100%的保证。





清单 12. 统计词频
text=words.flatMap(lambda w:w)
wordCounts = text.map(lambda word: (word, 1))\
.reduceByKey(lambda a, b: a+b).\
sortBy(lambda x: x[1],ascending=False)


清单 13. 去掉停用词

stopwords = set([" ","","","","","",……])

def filterStopWords(line):
 for i in line:
 if i in stopwords:
return line
words=words.map(lambda w : filterStopWords(w))


本文在分词的时候使用的搜索引擎分词模式,在这种模式下只抽取了重要的关键字,可能忽略了一些可能的特征词。可以把分词模式切换到全分词模式,尽可能的不漏掉特征词,同样的模型训练,正确率会有 1%~2%的提升。

清单 14. 全分词模式分词
words=document.map(lambda w:"/".join(jieba.\
cut(w, cut_all=True))).\
map(lambda line: line.split("/"))


在不进行深入优化的情况下,SVM 往往有着比其他分类模型更好的分类效果。下面在相同的条件下,运用 SVM 模型训练,最后得到的正确率有 78.59%。

清单 15. 用支持向量机训练分类模型
SVMmodel = SVMWithSGD.train(training, iterations=100)
predictionAndLabel = test.map(lambda p : (SVMmodel.predict(p.features), p.label))
accuracy = 1.0 * predictionAndLabel.filter(lambda x: 1.0 if x[0] == x[1] else 0.0).count() / test.count()



作者对中国科学院大学的谭松波教授发布的酒店产品评论文本做了分类系统测试,该数据集是多数学者公认并且使用的。用 SVM 训练的模型正确率有 87.59%。


本文向读者详细的介绍了利用 Spark 构建文本情感分类系统的过程,从数据的清洗、转换,Spark 的 RDD 有 Filter、Map 方法可以轻松胜任;对于抽取文本特征,Spark 针对大规模数据的处理不仅在计算模型上有优化,还做了算法的优化,它利用哈希特征算法来实现 TF-IDF,从而能够支持上千万维的模型训练;对于选择分类模型,Spark 也实现好了常用的分类模型,调用起来非常方便。最后希望这篇文章可以对大家学习 spark 和文本分类有帮助


