Tag Archives: Wechat











  • 最上边是我们的产品;
  • 然后有一个号称几亿在线的长连接和短连接的服务;
  • 中间有一个逻辑层,后台框架讲的主要是逻辑层往后这块,包括我们的 RPC、服务分组、过载保护与数据存储;
  • 底层有个 PaxosStore 存储平台。



希望你的服务很快实现,不太多去考虑。像我们早期互联网业务,甚至包括 QQ 等,我们很注重架构师的一个能力,他需要把握很多的东西。他设置每个服务的时候,要先算好很多资源,算好容灾怎么做。容灾这个问题直接影响业务怎么去实现的,所以有可能你要做一个具体逻辑的时候要考虑很多问题,比如接入服务、数据同步、容灾等等每个点都要考虑清楚,所以节奏会慢。







  • 服务布局
  • 服务之间怎么做一些远程调用
  • 容错(主要讲一下过载保护)
  • 部署管理

分两层,一个是城市间。城市之间的数据是相对独立的,除了少数账号全球同步,大部分业务都希望做成电子邮件式的服务,各自有自身的环境在跑,之间使用类似于电子邮件的通信。所以我们选择让每个城市自治,它们之间有一个 200-400ms 的慢速网络,国内会快点,30ms。


城市内部会有整套的划分,终端 –>接入层 –>逻辑层 –>存储层 都是完全独立的一套系统。


看到很多框架,竟然是没有协程的,这很诧异。早年我们 QQ 邮箱、微信、图像压缩、反垃圾都是一个 web 服务,只有存储层会独立到后面去,甚至用 web 直连 MySQL。因为它早期比较小,后来变大之后就用微服务架构。

每个东西都变成一个小的服务,他们是跨机的。你可以想象一下,每天我们很多人买早餐的时候,掏出手机做一个微信支付,这一个动作在后台会引起上百次的调用。这有一个复杂的链路。在 2014 年之前,我们微信就是没有做异步的,都是同步的,在这么多调用里,A 服务调用 B,那要先等它返回,这样就占住了一条进程或者线程。所以其实 13 年的时候,我们发生了大大小小的故障,很大一部分原因就在这里。

然后 13 年底的时候,这个问题太严重了,严重到,比如发消息的时候,你去拿一个头像之类的,它只要抖动,就可能引发整一条调用链的问题,并且因为过程保护的不完善,它会把整个消息发送的曲线掉下去,这是我们很痛苦的时间。

然后当时我们就去考虑这些方案,13 年的时候抽出 3 个人重新做了一个完整的库 libco。(两千行),实现时间轮盘与事件处理链、常用网络编程模式、同步原语等。它分为三大块,事件驱动、网络 HOOK 和协程机制。


另一个是,我们支持 CGI,早期库在 CGI 上遇到问题,所以没有推广。因为一个标准 CGI 服务是基于一些古老的接口的,像 getENV、setENV,就是说你的 coreString 是通过 ENV 来得到的,那么这个我们也把它给 HOOK 掉了,它会根据你的协程去分派。

最难的一个是 gethostbyname 方法,我发现很多人就连在异步编程里,处理 hostbyname 也可能是用了一套独立线程去做,或者你很辛苦地把整个代码抠出来重新写一遍,这个肯定是有很多问题的。所以我们 libco 就把这个 gethostbyname 给完整地支持了。



  • 质疑性能:协程有很多切换,会不会带来更大开销?
  • 你可能处理几万并发就好,消耗个 1G 内存就行,但是我们这里是处理千万并发哦,这么大的规模,我不信任你这个东西。

这样我们其实是面临了一个问题,因为一些老代码,越是高级的人写的,它的技术栈越深,稍微改动一点代码,就出 BUG 了。

所以我们后来做了两个东西,一个是实际修改了相对简单的异步代码到 libco 里,然后性能更好了。因为在做异步编程的时候,你需要自己去维护很多的数据结构,做你的状态保存,它们的生存期有可能需要很久,你自然地会分配许多内存给它,当然你会用一些内存池去优化它,但是这些是有限的。

但是你用协程的话,很多变量就自然在一个连续的内存里了,相当于一个小的内存池,就比如 if……else……这个你没有必要去 new 一个东西保存状态的,直接放在栈里就行了,所以它的性能更好了。

第二个是,它要求很高的并发。由于协程要一个栈,我们一般开 128k,如果你对这个代码掌控得比较好,可能开 16k,就算是这样,你要开 1 万个协程,还是要 100 多 M 的内存。所以我们后来就在这基础上做了一个可以支持千万连接的协程模式。

Libco 是一个底层库,让你很方便开发,但是大部分开发人员不是直接面对 libco 的,我们花了一年时间把整个微信后台绝大部分逻辑服务、存储服务改成基于 libco,整个配置就直接通过配一台机器上的并发数配 10 倍甚至 20、30 倍,这样子就一下子把整个问题解决了。


并发数上去后容易引发另一个问题,早期的时候,后端服务性能高,逻辑服务性能相对弱,很容易被 hold,不可能给后端发起很多连接,不具有“攻击性”,但修改完成后,整个前端变得很强,那可能对后端产生很大的影响。这个时候就要来考虑一下过载保护了。





过载保护一般是说系统内部服务在做过去的事情,做无用功。它们可能待在某个队列里边,比如服务时间要求 100ms,但它们总是在做 1s 以前的任务,所以整个系统会崩溃。所以老的架构师会注重说配好每一个服务的队列长度,估算好。但是在繁忙的开发中,是很难去控制的。


后端服务并不是只有一个,上边这个图中的例子,想要调用很多服务,然后 AB 都过载,它们每一个其实都只是过载一点,通过率可达到 80%,但是前端需要这两个服务的组合服务,那么这里就可能只能达到 60% 的通过率。然后后边如果是更多的服务,那么每个服务的一点点过载,到了前端就是很严重的问题。怎么解决呢?

这本书在 12、13 年的时候很火,里边提到了两个对我们有用的点。

  • 一个是“希望系统是分布式的,去中心化”,指系统过载保护依赖每一个节点自身的情况去做,而不是下达一个统一的中心指令。
  • 二是“希望整个控制是基于反馈的”,它举了一些例子,像抽水马桶,像过去炼钢铁的参数很难配,但是只要有一个反馈机制就好解决了。


整个系统基于反馈,然后它把整个拒绝的信息全程传递了。看到最右边,有几个典型的服务,从一个 CGI 调用一个后台服务,再调用另一个后台服务,它会在 CGI 层面就把它的重要程度往下传。回到刚才那个前端调用 A、B 服务的例子,使用这样的一种重要程度传递,就可以直接拒绝那些相同用户的 20% 的请求,这样就解决了这个问题。







强一致是说,写一个数据之后,服务器的返回成功不会因为单机故障而丢失。早年我们用的是自己设计的协议,严格来证明的话,没有 Paxos 这么严谨,所以我们在过去一年多的时间内,重新做了一个 Paxos 存储。

它是一个同步复制的数据存储,支持各个园区之间的数据一致性,并且是可以多组多写的,就是说任何一个园区接入,它都可以进行数据的强制读写。另外它并不只是 key-value 模式,它支持 key-value、list、表。在微信这边很少会说完全依赖 key-value 的,因为很多业务都是有列表、表格等的请求,所以很多年前就开始用表格的存储。

Paxos 可用性很高,所以我们就敢做单表有亿行的设计,这样像公众号粉丝等需要很大的,几千万甚至几亿行的记录,就不用考虑自己去分表。并且这个存储可以使用类 SQL 的语句去做,它是完全保证事务的。

它还是插件化系统,不仅支持 LSM,还支持其它存储引擎。

然后它低成本,后台 CPU 有 E3-1230V3,也有 E5-2670 型号的,内存,CPU 与 ssd 之间有一些能力用不上,所以我们系统是可以灵活组合很多不同存储介质的。

这个系统是跑在同城的,也就是上海内部、深圳内部、加拿大内部和香港内部。它们之间的延迟相对较低,几毫秒的级别。这是一个非租约的,没有 leader,不存在切换的不可用期,随时都可以切换任何一个园区。负载均衡这一块我们沿用 kb64 架构,6 台机为一组。因为园区故障少,平时单机时,分摊 25% 的流量,整体比较稳定。6 台为一组时,整个作为一个 set,有很多 set 之间的适用一致性要去做,会有一个很细粒度的伸缩性,比如它可以 100 组扩展到 101 组。


因为希望应用是 简单快速 的,不用假设一个数据写完之后还可能被回退掉,这样只会有很多额外的开销,会有很多问题。比如公众号,他们有很多素材库之类的很重要的存储,如果数据突然丢了,或者说回退了,没有了,那用户投诉是会很严重的。微信账号这边也是这样,如果一个账户注册了,但是这个数据回退了,那也是很严重的问题。

另一个原因是 可用性。在一个传统的主备系统里面,当主机挂掉,面临切不切备机的抉择,然后你会层层请示,说明目前的同步状况,甚至你不知道当前的同步状况,经过很多流程来请示是否切换备机。


 为什么不用 Raft 呢?

Raft 的开源很有价值,它把互联网后台的数据一致性能力提升了很多,就算是一个很小的团队,它也能直接用 Raft 获得一个强一致能力,而这可能就已经超过了许多互联网后台的强一致能力,因为很多后台都是用了很古老的架构,比如长期用到主机架构。

 Raft 与 Paxos 的区别是什么呢?

其实 Raft 和 Paxos 不是一个层面的概念,这个图就是典型的通过一个 log 变更 db 的架构,通过三条 log 一致性做到数据持久强一致性。那 Paxos 在哪里?在一个 log 的某一个 entry 那边,三个点构成一个常量。

那 Raft 是什么呢?它是整一个二维的东西,就是说,基于一个 Paxos 强一致协议做的一条 log,它整个就是一个 Raft。所以我们可以认为 Raft 其实是 Paxos(log)的一种选择。如果你允许绿色部分不存在,那它就不是 Raft。因为 Raft 的设计是你自己做的,它与 Paxos 没关系。

整个 PaxosStore 架构如图:


这一套方案是在线上用了好几千台的,是一个非租约的方案。存储引擎可以自由定制。如果想用大表,那可以用 leveldb。如果想用更强的 LSM,也可以选择。然后我们也有很多 Bitcask 的模型,更适合于内存的 key-value。

由于有几万台机,所以变很重要,我们也基于 BT 做了一套存储方案。它会以园区为根据地,通常一个变更,会以 BT 协议发送到每个园区里,然后园区内部把同机架机器分成一个分组,然后分组内再互传。就我了解,Facebook 和 Twitter、Ebay 都是这样做的。


许家滔,2005 年加入腾讯,见证 QQ 邮箱从百万到数亿用户的整个敏捷开发过程以及架构变迁。2011 年起负责微信后台基础架构,包括分布式存储平台和后台服务框架等,覆盖微信账号 / 消息 / 朋友圈核心存储等,并为公众号 / 微信支付 / 微信企业号等等业务提供组件支持,近两年专注于后台服务质量提升和高性能架构,在数千台机器上面构建了海量高并发 Paxos 存储系统,同时是开源软件 Tencent/libco 负责人。

Overload control for scaling WeChat microservices

Overload control for scaling WeChat microservices Zhou et al., SoCC’18

There are two reasons to love this paper. First off, we get some insights into the backend that powers WeChat; and secondly the authors share the design of the battle hardened overload control system DAGOR that has been in production at WeChat for five years. This system has been specifically designed to take into account the peculiarities of microservice architectures. If you’re looking to put a strategy in place for your own microservices, you could do a lot worse than start here.


The WeChat backend at this point consists of over 3000 mobile services, including instant messaging, social networking, mobile payment, and third-party authorization. The platform sees between 10^{10} - 10^{11} external requests per day. Each such request can triggers many more internal microservice requests, such that the WeChat backend as a whole needs to handle hundreds of millions of requests per second.

WeChat’s microservice system accommodates more than 3000 services running on over 20,000 machines in the WeChat business system, and these numbers keep increasing as WeChat is becoming immensely popular… As WeChat is ever actively evolving, its microservice system has been undergoing fast iteration of service updates. For instance, from March to May in 2018, WeChat’s microservice system experienced almost a thousand changes per day on average.

WeChat classify their microservices as “Entry leap” services (front-end services receiving external requests), “Shared leap” services (middle-tier orchestration services), and “Basic services” (services that don’t fan out to any other services, and thus act as sinks for requests).

On a typical day, peak request rate is about 3x the daily average. At certain times of year (e.g. around the Chinese Lunar New Year) peak workload can rise up to 10x the daily average.

Challenges of overload control for large-scale microservice-based platforms

Overload control… is essential for large-scale online applications that need to enforce 24×7 service availability despite any unpredictable load surge.

Traditional overload control mechanisms were designed for a world with a small number of service components, a relatively narrow ‘front-door,’ and trivial dependencies.

… modern online services are becoming increasingly complex in their architecture and dependencies, far beyond what traditional overload control was designed for.

  • With no single entry point for service requests sent to the WeChat backend, the conventional approach of centralized load monitoring at a global entry point (gateway) is not applicable.
  • The service invocation graph for a particular request may depend on request-specific data and service parameters, even for requests of the same type. So when a particular service becomes overload it is very difficult to determine what types of requests should be dropped to mitigate the situation.
  • Excessive request aborts (especially when deeper in the call graph or later in the request processing) waste computational resources and affect user experience due to high latency.
  • Since the service DAG is extremely complex and continuously evolving, the maintenance cost and system overhead for effective cross-service coordination is too high.

Since one service may make multiple requests to a service it depends on, and may also make requests to multiple backend services, we have to take extra care with overload controls. The authors coin the term subsequent overload for the cases where more than one overloaded service is invoked, or a single overloaded service is invoked multiple times.

Subsequent overload raises challenges for effective overload control. Intuitively, performing load shedding at random when a service becomes overloaded can sustain the system with a saturated throughput. However, subsequent overload may greatly degrade system throughput beyond that intended…

Consider a simple scenario where service A invokes service B twice. If B starts rejecting half of all incoming requests, A’s probability of success drops to 0.25.

DAGOR overview

WeChat’s overload control system is called DAGOR. It aims to provide overload control to all services and thus is designed to be service agnostic. Overload control runs at the granularity of an individual machine, since centralised global coordination is too expensive. However, it does incorporate a lightweight collaborative inter-machine protocol which is needed to handle subsequent overload situations. Finally, DAGOR should sustain the best-effort success rate of a service when load shedding becomes inevitable due to overload. Computational resources (e.g. CPU, I/O) spent on failed service tasks should be minimised.

We have two basic tasks to address: detecting an overload situation, and deciding what to do about it once detected.

Overload detection

For overload detection, DAGOR uses the average waiting time of requests in the pending queue (i.e., queuing time). Queuing time has the advantage of negating the impact of delays lower down in the call-graph (compared to e.g. request processing time). Request processing time can increase even when the local server itself is not overloaded. DAGOR uses window-based monitoring, where a window is one second or 2000 requests, whichever comes first. WeChat clearly run a tight ship:

For overload detection, given the default timeout of each service task being 500ms in WeChat, the threshold of the average request queuing time to indicate server overload is set to 20ms. Such empirical configurations have been applied in the WeChat business system for more than five years with its effectiveness proven by the system robustness with respect to WeChat business activities.

Admission control

Once overload is detected, we have to decide what to do about it. Or to put things more bluntly, which requests we’re going to drop. The first observation is that not all requests are equal:

The operation log of WeChat shows that when WeChat Pay and Instant Messaging experience a similar period of service unavailability, user complaints against the WeChat Pay service are 100x those against the Instant Messaging service.

To deal with this in a service agnostic way, every request is assigned a business priority when it first enters the system. This priority flows with all downstream requests. Business priority for a user request is determined by the type of action requested. Although there are hundreds of entry points, only a few tens have explicit priority, all the others having a default (lower) priority. The priorities are maintained in a replicated hashtable.

When overload control is set to business priority level n, all requests from levels n+1 will be dropped. That’s great for mixed workloads, but suppose we have a flood of Payment requests, all at the same priority (e.g. p). The system will become overloaded, and hence move the overload threshold to p-1, when it will become lightly loaded again. Once light load is detected, the overload threshold is incremented to p again, and once more we are in overload. To stop this flip-flipping when overloaded with requests at the same priority level, we need a level of granularity finer than business priority.

WeChat has a neat solution to this. It adds a second layer of admission control based on user-id.

User priority is dynamically generated by the entry service through a hash function that takes the user ID as an argument. Each entry service changes its hash function every hour. As a consequence, requests from the same user are likely to be assigned to the same user priority within one hour, but different user priorities across hours.

This provides fairness while also giving an individual user a consistent experience across a relatively long period of time. It also helps with the subsequent overload problem since requests from a user assigned high priority are more likely to be honoured all the way through the call graph.

Combining business priority and user priority gives a compound admission level with 128 levels of user priority per business priority level.

With each admission level of business priority having 128 levels of user priority, the resulting number of compound admission levels is in the tens of thousands. Adjustment of the compound admission level is at the granule of user priority.

There’s a nice sidebar on why using session ID instead of user ID doesn’t work: you end up training users to log out and then log back in again when they’re experiencing poor service, and now you have a login storm on top of your original overload problem!

DAGOR maintains a histogram of requests at each server to track the approximate distribution of requests over admission priorities. When overload is detected in a window period, DAGOR moves to the first bucket that will decrease expected load by 5%. With no overload, it moves to the first bucket that will increase expected load by 1%.

A server piggy-backs its current admission level on each response message sent to upstream servers. In this way an upstream server learns the current admission control setting of a downstream service, and can perform local admission control on the request before even sending it.

End-to-end therefore, the DAGOR overload control system looks like this:


The best testimony to the design of DAGOR is that it’s been working well in production at WeChat for five years. That doesn’t provide the requisite graphs for an academic paper though, so we also get a set of simulation experiments. The following chart highlights the benefits of overload control based on queuing time rather than response time. The benefits are most pronounced in situations of subsequent overload (chart (b)).

Compared to CoDel and SEDA, DAGOR exhibits a 50% higher request success rate with subsequent overloading when making one subsequent call. The benefits are greater the higher the number of subsequent requests:

Finally, in terms of fairness CoDel can be seen to favour services with smaller fan-out to overloaded services when under stress, whereas DAGOR manifests roughly the same success rate across a variety of requests.

Three lessons for your own systems

Even if you don’t use DAGOR exactly as described, the authors conclude with three valuable lessons to take into consideration:

  • Overload control in a large-scale microservice architecture must be decentralized and autonomous in each service
  • Overload control should take into account a variety of feedback mechanisms (e.g. DAGOR’s collaborative admission control) rather than relying solely on open-loop heuristics
  • Overload control design should be informed by profiling the processing behaviour of your actual workloads.

中文版链接: https://www.tuicool.com/articles/aYJjMvN









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